One of the most popular question we hear is, is it possible to achieve data entry using SAS Visual Analytics 8.3. In the SAS 9 world, there was a simple answer: include a stored process in your report.
Do you think the answer will be the same in the SAS Viya world?
In Part 1 of this series, I explained the basics about SAS Viya Jobs. In this article, I will walk you through the steps to write a simple quiz application using SAS Viya Jobs.
The application will use a CAS table named quiz_programming as input and create a CAS table named quiz_answers as output. Those two tables will be stored into a Global CASLib named Visual in this example. As the objective of the series is to explain data entry, the application will generate a user interface (UI) to interact with end-user.
In order to understand the code, you need to be familiar with CAS programming, macro language and have a bit of understanding about html. I will go through the code and explain the purpose of nearly every line. This means you don't have to write code yourself but if you want to go more deeply in data entry using SAS Viya Jobs, you should understand the following terms:
Let's start with something easy. As indicated earlier, the application will use a CAS table named quiz_programming as input. We will load that table into a Global CASLib named visual. I assume that you are familiar with loading data into CAS. Just download the file containing the questions and upload it to a Global CAS library. If you need help loading the file into CAS, please refer to the documentation.
In this example, we will use different tables located in different CASLibs. Those tables will serve different purpose.
The SAS Viya Job is executed for each question in the quiz_programming table. As a result some parameters should be passed between job executions. To achieve this objective, URL parameters will be passed to the Job for each execution. This is an easy technique to pass the state of the requests and have a different behavior depending if this is the first question, any other question or the last question of the quiz. Let's have a look at the logic.
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We will now write the SAS Viya Job code. We need to connect to SAS Viya 3.4 environment using an URL similar to
After authentication, you should see this screen:
Navigate to a location all users can access and hit the New File button. I this example the location is: /gelcontent/Jobs/
Give a name to your job.
Select Job definition.
Click OK.
You should now see your job. Right click on the job and select Edit file.
The code for the job can be downloaded from GitHub.
Open the code in your favorite text editor and paste the code in the browser. You should have something similar to:
The code is specific to my environment and use the Visual CASLib. As you are using this on another environment, you should change the references to "visual". It means that all the occurrences of "visual" should be changed to reflect the CASLib available on your environment. Using the search and replace function is a good solution as you can imagine.
If you stored the code in a location different from /gelcontent/Jobs/ and you gave a different name, you should also update the following line to reflect your location and name:
put '<input type="hidden" name="_program" value="/gelcontent/Jobs/Quiz">';
To display the html form and output, you should also set a parameter for your job. Right click on the job name and select Properties. Within Properties, add a new parameter with the following values:
When the code is tailored to your environment, you can press the Submit button on top of the editor.
/* Define macro variables for the parameters defined in the URL */ %global id maxid answer01 answer02 answer03 answer04 answer05;
In order to pass URL parameters to the Job, the macro variables should exist in the macro global scope. This means we need to define the macro variables using the %global statement.
/* Define CAS server connection, session and CAS libraries */ options cashost="" casport=5570; cas mySession sessopts=(caslib="casuser"); libname visual cas caslib="visual"; libname casuser cas caslib="casuser";
To work with CAS data, we need to establish a connection with the CAS server and define the libraries that will be used in data step. In this case, we will use two libraries pointing to two CASLibs. Visual is the Global CASLib that is used to store the input and output tables. Casuser is the Global CASLib that will be used to store data while answering the questions.
/* Macro invoked at the beginning of the Job execution */ %macro init; %if %symexist(id) and %eval(&id > 0) %then %do; /* Call record macro to register the answers */ %record; /* Increment question id */ %let id = %eval(&id + 1 ); %end; %else %do; /* Code executed when loading the first time */ %let id = 1; data casuser.questions; set visual.quiz_programming; run; proc cas; table.promote /caslib="casuser" name="questions"; quit; %end; /* Define the number of questions */ proc sql noprint; create table maxid as select max(id) as maxid from casuser.questions; select maxid into :maxid from maxid; quit; %mend;
The init macro is executed at each execution of the code. The macro will check if the id macro variable exists. It is used to define which question is currently being processed.
If the value is smaller than 0, the id macro variable is set to one. It indicates that it is the first time the Job is executed. As a result, the quiz_programming table is copied to the questions table in the CASUser CASLib. To be persisted between sessions, the questions table is promoted using proc cas. The proc sql code is used to calculate the number for questions in the quiz and defines a macro variable maxid that will be displayed in the form but will also be used to identify if it is the last execution. Using proc sql implies the data will be moved to the SAS Compute Server to be processed. In this case, it doesn't have a big impact on performance as table is quite small. If you are processing larger tables, you should find use proc fedsql to query the CAS table as CAS doesn't support macro processing and then use proc sql on the result to assign the maxid macro variable.
If the value is higher than 0, it means that this is not the first execution and that a macro named record should be executed. The record macro will save the answers (see below).
/* Macro invoked when last question has been answered */ %macro finish; %if %eval(&id > &maxid) %then %do; /* Generate the data set to be loaded into */ /* the Global CASLib used for reporting */ data casuser.toLoad; set casuser.questions (drop= questions choices hint justification); userid = "&sysuserid"; datetime = datetime(); format datetime datetime16.; run; /* Load data into the CASLib used for reporting */ /* and perform some cleanup activities */ proc cas; table.tableExists result=res/caslib='visual' name='quiz_answers'; if res.exists > 0 then do; datastep.runcode result=dsResult /code="data visual.quiz_answers (append=yes); set casuser.toLoad; run;"; end; else do; table.promote / caslib='casuser' name='toLoad' target='quiz_answers' targetlib='visual'; table.promote / caslib='visual' name='quiz_answers'; end; / caslib='visual' name='quiz_answers' table={caslib='visual' name='quiz_answers'} replace=true; table.dropTable / caslib='casuser' name='questions'; table.deleteSource / caslib='casuser' source='questions'; table.dropTable / caslib='casuser' name='toLoad'; table.deleteSource / caslib='casuser' source='toLoad'; quit; /* Terminate the CAS session */ cas mySession terminate; %end; %mend;
The finish macro is executed at the end of each job execution. It checks if the current question is the last question of the quiz. If it is not, the code is not executed. If it is indeed the last question, it creates a table named toLoad. That table will be loaded into quiz_answers table. The proc cas code will perform the following actions:
When all this is done, the code ends the CAS session.
/* Macro invoked to record the answers */ %macro record; proc cas;"questions"; do i=1 to 5 by 1; name_i=put(i, z2.); varName='Answer'||name_i; if symget(varName) > "" then do; questionsTbl.where="&id = id and name ='"|| varName ||"'"; table.update / table=questionsTbl set={{var='selected', value="1"}}; end; end; quit; %mend;
The record macro is executed to process end-user's answers that are retrieved from the form submission through URL parameters. In this code, I used proc cas to demonstrate how to update records using CAS actions and the CAS language.
The code creates a questionsTbl variable which is used in the table.update action. It contains the name of the CAS table and the where clause to be applied. The where value is generated based on the macro variables answer01 to answer05. One update statement is executed for each answer.
/*Macro generating the html pages */ %macro html; %if %eval(&id > &maxid) %then %do; /* Call the quiz summary page */ %html_result; %end; %else %do; data _null_; set casuser.questions (where=(ID=&id)) nobs=rows; file _webout; by id; /* Generate the HTML head */ if _n_ = 1 then do; put '<html lang="en">'; put '<head>'; put '<title>Quiz Programming</title>'; put '<meta charset="utf-8">'; put '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'; put '<meta author="BIZOUX, Xavier">'; put '<style>'; put 'article {padding-left:20px;}'; put '</style>'; put '<script>'; put 'function hint() { var x = document.getElementById("hint"); if ( === "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } }'; put 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { hint();});'; put '</script>'; put '</head>'; put '<body>'; end; if then do; /* Create the form calling the SASJobExecution */ /* and the specific job */ put '<form action="/SASJobExecution/">'; put '<input type="hidden" name="_program" value="/gelcontent/Jobs/Quiz">'; put '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' id +(-1)'">'; put '<section>'; put '<header>'; put '<h3>Q ' id "/&maxid : " questions '</h3>'; put '</header>'; put '<article>'; end; put '<br>'; put '<label> <input type="checkbox" name="' Name +(-1) '" value="' Correct +(-1) '">' choices +(-1) '</label>'; if then do; put '<br><br>'; put '<button type="button" onclick="hint();">Hint</button>'; put '<input type="submit">'; put '<div id="hint">' hint'</div>'; put '</article>'; put '</section>'; put '</form>'; end; if _n_=rows then do; put '</body>'; put '</html>'; end; run; %end; %mend;
The html macro identifies if this the last execution of the code. If it the last execution, the html_result macro is called. Any other execution will create a section with the question, the checkboxes for the possible answers, a hint button and a submit button.
The data step is reading data from the questions table and writes to the _webout destination. As you most probably know, data step reads and processes the rows sequentially. Knowing this, here are the rules that are applied:
In the header, you can see two specific html tags: style and script.
In this example, the style and script sections are pretty small. This means we can enter those directly in the data step. If larger stylesheet or JavaScript are needed, those should be defined in external files for readability and performance of the SAS code. Those files should be loaded in the Apache web server used by the SAS environment.
/*Macro generating the summary page */ %macro html_result; data _null_; length cssClass $200; set casuser.questions nobs=rows; file _webout; by id; /* Generate the HTML head */ if _n_=1 then do; put '<html lang="en">'; put '<head>'; put '<title>Quiz Programming</title>'; put '<meta charset="utf-8">'; put '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'; put '<meta author="BIZOUX, Xavier">'; put '<style>'; put 'article {padding-left:20px;}'; put '.valid {display:block; background-color: lightgreen; width:400px;}'; put '.invalid {display:block; background-color: red; width:400px;}'; put '</style>'; put '</head>'; put '<body>'; end; /* Generate the card for each question */ if then do; put '<section>'; put '<header>'; put '<h3>Q ' id "/&maxid : " questions '</h3>'; put '</header>'; put '<article>'; end; if correct=1 then cssClass=' class="valid" '; else cssClass=' class="invalid" '; put '<label ' cssClass '>'; put; if selected=1 then do; put '<input type="checkbox" checked disabled>'; end; else do; put '<input type="checkbox" disabled>'; end; put choices +(-1) '</label>'; if then do; put '</article>'; put '<br>'; put '<article>'; put '<header> <h4>Answer</h4> </header>'; put '<p>' justification '</p>'; put '</article>'; put '<br>'; put '</section>'; end; if _n_=rows then do; put '</body>'; put '</html>'; end; run; %mend;
The html_result macro generates the summary page which appears after the last question is answered. The macro is called within the html macro and displays all the questions with the answers selected by the end-user. The answers are colored using the red and green color logic to indicate if they are correct or not. An explanation is also added after each question to give a better understanding of the correct answers.
The rules that are applied in the data step are as follow:
/* Call the different macros */ %init; %html; %finish;
The last part of the code calls the macros that were defined earlier in the code. Those macros are called without parameters as the main purpose to use macros was to segregate the different actions used to build the quiz application and the logic behind it.
As we have seen so far, the SAS Job Execution is a replacement for SAS Stored processes in the Viya world. With a bit of SAS and HTML coding, you can create a simple UI for the end-users and you can store the data easily into CAS.
If we compare what is possible with CAS with what was possible with LASR and SAS 9, having multiple users connected to the same application doesn't require SAS Share or a SAS Data Connectors. CAS is capable of queuing the request for read but also for inserts/updates.
Nevertheless, I would recommend to use SAS Data Connectors when processing data entry at larger scale. There is good reason for that. Even though CAS is capable of handling concurrent inserts/updates, CAS doesn't have all the capabilities a transactional database have (rollback being one of them).
So, if you plan to have many users inserting or updating records in your application, I would recommend to make those in a RDBMS using SAS Data Connectors. The RDBMS can then be used as source of CASLib and the data will be available for reporting. This adds extra steps to the process but your application will be more robust and stress resistant.
We have now a quiz application that can be executed from the SAS Job Execution interface. The next step will be to integrate this SAS Job into a SAS Visual Analytics report. The integration will be covered in a future article.
Here is a summary of the series:
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