The best resources to study for the Base Programmer Specialist exam are the resources provided by SAS -- not by web sites that are not affiliated with SAS and who may have incorrect material. The web site you posted is showing exam numbers that are NOT used anymore. The exam codes they list are not in use anymore.
The practices and activities in Programming 1 and Programming 2 training classes are also good resources for practicing -- do all of the practices and all of the challenge practices. Then the Certification Prep Guide https://www.sas.com/store/prodBK_72102_en.html?storeCode=SAS_US has a set of questions at the end of each chapter in the book that are also good practices for the exam. Also, study this content guide:
to be sure you are comfortable with all the topics that can be on the Base Programmer exam.
We provide a FREE Practice Exam that mimics the questions on the graded exam. That is also a good resource.
You'll find a link to the Practice Exam on the web page for the exam: https://www.sas.com/en_us/certification/credentials/foundation-tools/base-programming-specialist.htm...
I hope these resources that we provide help you prepare for the exam.