When running _2egpg194 I am getting the following error
ERROR: The XLSX engine cannot be found.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
I am using SAS version information: 9.3_M2
I don't remember exactly when the XLSX engine was added but I think your version of SAS is recent enough.
Run this code:
proc setinit;run;
If the log does not contain a line similar to:
---SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files
then your license does not support the library type and you need a license that has the Interface to PC Files.
If it does show that line then run this:
proc product_status;run;
If the log does not show something similar to:
For SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files ...
then you have a license but the module was not installed. Reinstall SAS and make sure the ACCESS Interface to PC Files is included.
Thank you, I have run the below codes and I can confirm SAS/Access interface to PC files in installed and I have a licence
From the log copy the LIBNAME statement as submitted along with any messages.
Paste into a code box opened with the forum's {I} or "running man" icon.
"The Dopen command default to device number eight if out put device is not specified"
Hi there!
Quick question: Does the zip folder for SAS Enterprise Guide contain the storm.xlsx file? When running the first section of demo file, it states ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /pbr/biconfig/940/Lev1/SASApp/FILEPATH//storm.
* Section 1: *;
options validvarname=v7;
ods graphics on;
proc import datafile="FILEPATH/storm.xlsx"
dbms=xlsx out=storm_damage replace;
Hello @iamash ,
Yes the file should exist as long as everything is set up correctly.
However a quick glance at your code and I think I see the issue. In your PROC IMPORT you have datafile="FILEPATH/storm.xlsx".
Try opening up the p101d01.sas instead of ep101d01.sas. It will look like this:
options validvarname=v7;
ods graphics on;
*Path is assigned in the cre8data.sas program;
*%let path=s:/workshop;
libname pg1 base "&path/data";
proc import datafile="&path/data/storm.xlsx"
dbms=xlsx out=storm_damage replace;
The &path is what's called a macro variable and it is created during course setup. It stores the location of where all the files located. So datafile="&path/data/storm.xlsx" is telling SAS where the Excel workbook is.
Try this and let us know. Again the data must be set up correctly for Enterprise Guide. For more information on how to set up data for the course you can check out these videos https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/How-to-access-data-for-SAS-Programming-1-cour...
- Peter
No problem! Glad everything worked out.
Keep us posted if you have any other questions.
- Peter
I'm a bit confused with your post.
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