That's a tough question. I think it' a case by case basis. I can't explicitly tell you either way. What I can do is explain what I did prior to taking the certification and learning SAS.
First, taking the programming 1 and 2 courses. I took the courses and did EVERY practice in the course, including the challenges. I did them using the solutions/hints in the PDF. Then I went back and solved them on my own (and Google).
Next, when taking the courses I also did all the quizzes. If I had an incorrect answer I specifically made sure I knew WHY I was wrong, not just memorize the correct answer.
The last thing I did was purchase the prep guide. It just made me feel better to run through some additional practices prior to taking the test. I probably would of been fine without it, but in the end learning more can never hurt.
There are also case studies to the courses, and they are free. Feel free to try them, I think they will help. You can find them here:
Programming 1 Case Study
Programming 2 Case Study
Hope that helps. Sorry I can't give you a specific answer.
- Peter