Hello all;
Hope everyone had a good holiday.
Question when using a compute statement-
So I have a define statement that dictates specific colors based on a specific compliance rate-
such that:
DEFINE FYTD1 /"FYTD" format=percent10. style={background=colors.};
But then I have one row that is not a percentage but rather a number that I would like to calculate as an actual integer-
So right now-420 becomes 42000%.
I managed to solve the background color issue but how do I fix the other problem-
So far I have tried:
compute FYTD1;
if _name_= 'Number Overall Observations' then do;
call define (_col_, 'style','style={background=white}');
call define (_col_, 'format','format=8.2');
endcomp; */
Any suggestions would be much appreciated-Thank you.