If you look in this paper -- at the beginning are a list of "utility" PROC TEMPLATE programs which will show you how to list all the pre-defined styles in the item store: SASHELP.TMPLMST.
If you are using EG or doing remote submits, then you will need to use the code method to see the list of styles. If you are in a Display Manager interactive session, then you can use the popup method:
Right Click on the word "Results" (in the Results window) --> Select Templates from the popup window
When the Template Browser opens double click on SASHELP.TMPLMST and click on STYLES folder -- you will see the list of style template names.
Here are some styles I like:
JOURNAL -- all black and white style with no interior lines
EGDEFAULT -- if you want your SAS Display Manager output to look the same as EG output
Watercolor -- it has purple
Ocean (in SAS 9.2) -- also has purple
Sasweb -- blue headers, but otherwise white background
Analysis -- has been redone in 9.2 to look good with tables or graphs