I am trying to PROC REPORT to output a table/listing, and I want to put the company name and Page X of Y in the same line, but NOT using title statement. Because using title statement will put this info in the real "header" section of the output, say, a RTF file.
This is basically what i need: NOTE: basically all the following info will be in the same "table", especially the first line is also in this "table" not in the RTF "header" section. I appreciate your helps!!!
Company LP Page X of Y
Protocol X
Table 1: X
Statistics treat coontrol
Can you use COMPUTE BEFORE _PAGE_ ? compute before _page_; line '~S={just=left} Company Name ~S={just=right} ~{thispage} of ~{lastpage}'; endcomp;
Oh. You need a bunch of code to get it. I can't believe ~{pageof} ,~{thispage},~{lastpage} wouldn't work in the body of RTF. Why ? How sad it is . The following is assuming each page of yours contains 29 lines, you can test it to get it . The attachment is what I got . The full idea is the paper I wrote a couple of years ago . http://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings12/389-2012.pdf Good Luck. data test; infile datalines expandtabs; input Manager : $20. Department : $20. Sales ; datalines; Adams Canned 225 Adams Meat/Dairy 350 Adams Paper 40 Adams Produce 80 Alomar Canned 420 Alomar Meat/Dairy 190 Alomar Paper 90 Alomar Produce 86 Andrews Canned 420 Andrews Meat/Dairy 300 Andrews Paper 200 Andrews Produce 125 Brown Canned 230 Brown Meat/Dairy 250 Brown Paper 45 Brown Produce 73 Jones Canned 220 Jones Meat/Dairy 300 Jones Paper 40 Jones Produce 70 Pelfrey Canned 420 Pelfrey Meat/Dairy 205 Pelfrey Paper 45 Pelfrey Produce 76 Reveiz Canned 420 Reveiz Meat/Dairy 600 Reveiz Paper 60 Reveiz Produce 30 Smith Canned 120 Smith Meat/Dairy 100 Smith Paper 50 Smith Produce 80 Taylor Canned 120 Taylor Meat/Dairy 130 Taylor Paper 53 Taylor Produce 50 ; run; /*After testing it, found a page contains 29 lines*/ proc means data=test nway noprint; class manager; output out=count n=count; run; data result; merge test count(keep=manager count); by manager; run; data result; set result; mod=mod(count,29); run; data result; * To decide Page break point; set result; by manager; retain break 1; if last.manager then sum_mod+mod; if count +sum_mod ge 29 and manager ne lag(manager) then do; break+1; sum_mod=0; end; call symputx('last_page',break); run; ods rtf file='/folders/myfolders/xx.rtf' style=sasweb bodytitle; ods escapechar='~'; title 'Desired Report'; option nodate nonumber; proc report data=result nowd style={rules=none frame=void}; column break manager department sales ; define break /group noprint; define manager / order order=formatted; compute before _page_; line=catx(' ',"Company ",repeat('~_',40),"Page:",break,"of","&last_page"); line line $200.; endcomp; break after break /page; run; ods rtf close;
Hello Ksharp,
thanks for your help! It seems your approach is working but one more thing I need to consult you. Why you use catx function?
I am asking because I need more space between the company name and page x of y. I tried larger numbers but it gives me error msg says something like truncation happened. I guess maybe the string is too long.
Yes. The reason I use CATX() is try to left align COMPANY and right align PAGE OF . ~S={just=left } don't work in this scenario . Alternative way is : line=catx(......); line @1 "Company Name" @200 line $40.;
data test; infile datalines expandtabs; input Manager : $20. Department : $20. Sales ; datalines; Adams Canned 225 Adams Meat/Dairy 350 Adams Paper 40 Adams Produce 80 Alomar Canned 420 Alomar Meat/Dairy 190 Alomar Paper 90 Alomar Produce 86 Andrews Canned 420 Andrews Meat/Dairy 300 Andrews Paper 200 Andrews Produce 125 Brown Canned 230 Brown Meat/Dairy 250 Brown Paper 45 Brown Produce 73 Jones Canned 220 Jones Meat/Dairy 300 Jones Paper 40 Jones Produce 70 Pelfrey Canned 420 Pelfrey Meat/Dairy 205 Pelfrey Paper 45 Pelfrey Produce 76 Reveiz Canned 420 Reveiz Meat/Dairy 600 Reveiz Paper 60 Reveiz Produce 30 Smith Canned 120 Smith Meat/Dairy 100 Smith Paper 50 Smith Produce 80 Taylor Canned 120 Taylor Meat/Dairy 130 Taylor Paper 53 Taylor Produce 50 ; run; /*After testing it, found a page contains 29 lines*/ proc means data=test nway noprint; class manager; output out=count n=count; run; data result; merge test count(keep=manager count); by manager; run; data result; set result; mod=mod(count,29); run; data result; * To decide Page break point; set result; by manager; retain break 1; if last.manager then sum_mod+mod; if count +sum_mod ge 29 and manager ne lag(manager) then do; break+1; sum_mod=0; end; call symputx('last_page',break); run; ods rtf file='/folders/myfolders/xx.rtf' style=sasweb bodytitle; ods escapechar='~'; title 'Desired Report'; option nodate nonumber; proc report data=result nowd style={rules=none frame=void}; column break manager department sales ; define break /group noprint; define manager / order order=formatted; compute before _page_; line=catx(' ',"Page:",break,"of","&last_page"); line @1 "Company" @50 line $40.; endcomp; break after break /page; run; ods rtf close;
Actually , If you don't care about what I referred to in that paper, That could be a lot more easy . /*After testing it, found a page contains 29 lines*/ data result; * To decide Page break point; set sashelp.cars; if mod(_n_,29)=1 then break+1; call symputx('last_page',break); run; ods rtf file='/folders/myfolders/xx.rtf' style=sasweb bodytitle; ods escapechar='~'; title 'Desired Report'; option nodate nonumber; proc report data=result nowd style={rules=none frame=void}; column break Model Make Length Invoice Cylinders ; define break /order noprint; compute before _page_; line=catx(' ',"Page:",break,"of","&last_page"); line @1 "Company" @100 line $40.; endcomp; break after break /page; run; ods rtf close;
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