You CAN make all your procs use the same output width. There is a style attribute called OUTPUTWIDTH that you can use to tell ODS how WIDE to make the tables. So, for example:[pre]
ods pdf file='c:\temp\allwide.pdf';
proc print data=sashelp.class
var name age height;
proc print
var region product sales;
ods pdf close;[/pre]
BUT if your procedures of choice are something other then PRINT, REPORT or TABULATE, then you either have to alter the TABLE template for the procedure to specify the OUTPUTWIDTH attribute (not a great choice) OR alter the STYLE template that you're using to specify the OUTPUTWIDTH attribute as a style for all output (better choice).
For an example of changing the OUTPUTWIDTH attribute, refer to this Tech Support Note (it is for HTML, but with a few modifications, should work for PDF):
Tech Support can help you with the PROC TEMPLATE modifications you would need to alter this example for PDF.
The title page is not hard at all. But there are several different techniques that could get you a title page:
1) use ODS TEXT= in FRONT of your first procedure for the TEXT of the TITLE page. Then change the style template so the USERTEXT attribute formats the TITLE lines the way you want.
2) create a SAS dataset with your title lines and then use PROC REPORT with the NOHEADER option to print the title lines. .... again, BEFORE your first procedure
3) similar to #2 -- use DATA _NULL_ to create your title page.
Any of these techniques would look like this:[pre]
ods pdf file='withtitle.pdf';
*** your chosen technique;
***first proc;
*** second proc;
ods pdf close;[/pre]
I do have an example of technique #2, but it is rather lengthy to post here. If you send me email to, I will send it to you.
Finally, if you want to put an image at the bottom of the page -- essentially you would have to put the image into a SAS footnore statement either using the PREIMAGE/POSTIMAGE attribute within the FOOTNOTE statement (and using ODS ESCAPECHAR) OR by changing the STYLE template so that the PREIMAGE/POSTIMAGE info is automatically used with the SAS FOOTNOTE. And then, of course, you have to use a FOOTNOTE. Attaching an image to your table is probably NOT a good idea, because TABLES can be of varying numbers of rows, so POSTIMAGE used with the TABLE would get you the image right underneath the TABLE.
Let me know by email if you'd like that example and I will send you the long example and then post a shorter version of technique #2 here.