You CAN invoke a Stored Process using the Stored Process Web Application. This is an invocation via URL -- for example, a URL that calls the Stored Process Web App is:
<a target="new" href="http://yourserver.com:8080/SASStoredProcess/do?
_program=/MyFolder/MyStoredProcess®ion=Canada">Click here to launch the Stored Process</a>
as discussed here:
In an ASP front end, I assume there is a way to issue a URL to execute a server program (as you might if your ASP application were going to pop a Google map of an address). When you execute a Stored Process using the SPWA, the results that come back are generally a regular HTTP stream of HTML results.
So, if your &_ODSDEST reserved parameter is set to one of the HTML destinations, then your SP results would come back as HTML; if your &_ODSDEST reserved parameter is set to ODS CSV, then the SP results would stream back as CSV (and you might have to change the content-type header in this instance). You would only need an SRX viewer if you were generating SAS Report XML as a result of the SP execution. You don't HAVE to generate an SRX report -- you can generate other types of output. In fact, the default IDP results when you execute a SP are HTML results.
Since a Stored Process can return many different types of results, it should be possible to find a different result type that suits your purposes. I really think that a consultation with Tech Support will generate the best advice in this regard.