SAS has function named FINANCE that does many financial calculations. The first parameter is the type of calculation and then follows with the parameters used for the calculation.
Somevar = Finance('XNPV',rate, <values>,<dates>);
An example from the documentation:
data _null_;
v1=−10000; d1=mdy(1, 1, 2008);
v2=2750; d2=mdy(3, 1, 2008);
v3=4250; d3=mdy(10, 30, 2008);
v4=3250; d4=mdy(2, 15, 2009);
v5=2750; d5=mdy(4, 1, 2009);
r=finance('xnpv', r, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5);
put r=;
To use variables then all the matching value and date pairs must be on the same record, which likely means that you need to reshape your data (since you haven't shown any I have to assume you have it similar to your Excel example).
This should be doable with proc transpose. The value needs to correspond to the date in order.
Note that the first value is negative and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs at the beginning of the investment.