I'm trying to place some annotations on a map. I have two sets of annotations, a bubble plot and a text annotation.
If there are more than 500 observations in the annotation dataset, the text plot annotation does not get annotated to the map.
The weird thing is, if I have a bubble plot by itself there doesn't appear to be a limit to how many observations it will annotate, it will happily place down 600 bubble annotations. It's only once I have multiple 'series' being annotated that this shows up.
Code to reproduce (run it twice, once with the obs statement commented, then again with it uncommented):
data annotations_bubble;
do x = -70 to -80 by -.1;
do y = 35 to 39 by 1;
size = 1;
data annotations_text;
x = -75;
y = 37.5;
size = .;
text = 'X';
data annotations_all;
set annotations_text
annotations_bubble(/* obs=499 */) /* <------ UNCOMMENT HERE TO SEE ISSUE */
ods graphics / reset=all imagename="bubble" imagefmt=png width=&img_width height=&img_height border=off;
proc sgmap mapdata=maps.states
esrimap url='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Canvas/World_Light_Gray_Base';
text x=x y=y text=text / textattrs=(size=50pt color=black);
bubble x=x y=y size=size / fillattrs=(color=green);
Does anyone have a workaround for this? I'm currently running 9.4 TS1M5.