Hi I have a value for example 0,80 on a date 27/01/2021
I want a plot showing only one bar with the date 27/01/2021 and with a percentage scale, so this bar will reach 80%. The bar should also contain a label "80 %" inside the bar
how can I do so?
See if you can use this as a template.
data plot;
x = today();
y = .8;
proc sgplot data = plot;
vbarparm category = x response = y / datalabel datalabelattrs = (size = 20);
yaxis min = 0 max = 1;
format x date9. y percent.;
xaxis display = (nolabel);
yaxis display = (nolabel);
proc sql;
select distinct wanted_sum into :nobs
from sumtable_0;
%put nobs=&nobs;
**second value;
proc sql;
select distinct wanted_sum into :kobs
from sumtable_1;
%put kobs=&kobs;
I made this macro where I get two different values everyday from my dataset fx in this case the wanted_sum from sumtable_0 is 4559099 and from sumtable_1 it is 3578989
everyday new numbers appears - these are from today.
then i divide them 3578989/4559099
the result of this should be the one bar plot in percentage.
I'm not sure I understand. You have a single value 0.8 that you want in a bar chart? That bar chart would have one bar only?
Yes only one bar.
date = today()
and y axis should be from 0 to 100%
Also a label in the bar with the number of percentages it is in this case 80%
See if you can use this as a template.
data plot;
x = today();
y = .8;
proc sgplot data = plot;
vbarparm category = x response = y / datalabel datalabelattrs = (size = 20);
yaxis min = 0 max = 1;
format x date9. y percent.;
xaxis display = (nolabel);
yaxis display = (nolabel);
Thank you so much!
I got one bar - the bare is very big - is it possible to adjust the size of a bar in the width?
Sure. Use the Barwidth Option on the VBARPARM Statement.
data plot;
x = today();
y = .8;
proc sgplot data = plot;
vbarparm category = x response = y / datalabel datalabelattrs = (size = 20) barwidth=.2;
yaxis min = 0 max = 1;
format x date9. y percent.;
xaxis display = (nolabel);
yaxis display = (nolabel);
Can i make the y-axis go up to 100%
Of course. Here is the documentation for the SGPLOT procedure.
You can control the axes by using the XAXIS (horizontal axis) and YAXIS statements (vertical). Look at the MIN= and MAX= options on the YAXIS statement.
proc sgplot data = plot;
vbarparm category = x response = y / datalabel datalabelattrs = (size = 10)barwidth=.2;
yaxis min = 0 max = 1;
format x date9. y percent.;
xaxis display = (nolabel);
yaxis display = (nolabel);
Title1 font = 'Calibri' height=16pt "Ande";
it does not work - can you help
proc sgplot data = plot;
vbarparm category = x response = y / datalabel datalabelattrs = (size = 10)barwidth=.2;
format x date9. y percent.;
xaxis display = (nolabel);
yaxis display = (nolabel) MAX=1;
Title1 font = 'Calibri' height=16pt "Ande";
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