Delimited files with no headers are TRIVIAL to create with SAS data step (see the last step below). And it takes only a little extra effort to generate a header row first. You could add your extra headers line at that point.
First get the names and labels (if any) of the variables into a dataset. PROC TRANSPOSE with zero input observations is a simple way to do that.
proc transpose data=FINAL(obs=0) out=names;
var _all_;
Now use that dataset of names to write your first two lines. You can use COALESCEC() to have it use the NAME when the variable does not have a LABEL attached.
data _null_;
file "C:\output.csv" dsd;
length _name_ $32 _label_ $256 ;
set names;
if _n_=1 then put 'Consent';
put _label_ @ ;
Then just run a second data step to append the actual data lines by adding the MOD option to the FILE statement.
data _null_;
file "C:\output.csv" dsd mod;
set FINAL;
put (_all_) (+0);