dear SAS experts,
I have a source dataset FIL1 containing values of vaiables which names sart with ORB, DrK and NGS, and other vaiables related with year (Jahr) and month (Monat).
I want to calculate the mean of all ORB, DrK and NGS for each of the following periods per year :
- mean of the values for the period from all the months from month = 1 to &Monat_max.
- for instance, if Monat_max = 3, I want to calculate the mean values for the 3 periods:
Afterwards, I want to set all produced datasets in a single one FIL3.
I tried the following but I cannot make it work:
proc summary data=Dashboard_Primaerdaten nway;
class marktregion_bt nlbez_bt mbrbez_bt filbez_bt FILHB_BT jahr monat ;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=FIL1 sum=;
* new ;
Data FIL3;
set _null_;
data FIL3;
retain i 1;
if i <= &Monat_max. then do;
call execute (cats('proc means data=FIL1 Mean nway;
class marktregion_bt nlbez_bt mbrbez_bt filbez_bt FILHB_BT jahr / descending ;
var ORB: NGS: DrK:;
where Monat <=i;
output out=FIL3_i Mean=;
Monat = 99||i;
call execute (cats('data FIL3; set FIL3 FIL3_i; run;'))
how should I proceed? maybe my idea of the method is false...
Try this:
proc summary data=MR1 nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr;
class monat/mlf;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR3 mean=;
format monat ytd. ;
So, in my terminology, it sounds like you want a "year-to-date" calculation, given the values for 12 months.
Although it might be a bit of typing, I would use a multilabel format, and then you only need one dataset and you won't have to recombine the multiple data sets.
proc format;
value ytd (multilabel) 1='Jan' 1,2='Feb' 1,2,3='Mar' ... ;
/* I'm lazy, you type the rest */
proc summary data=have;
class month/mlf;
var yourvariable;
output out=want mean=;
format month ytd.;
thanks for the answer. I used the recommanded method and get good results.
I Encounter nevertheless the following Problem:
* Berechnung der monatlichen Durchschnitte, MR Ebene ;
proc summary data=MR1 nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr monat/mlf;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR3 mean=;
format monat ytd. ;
In the source dataset (MR1), the variable Jahr is numeric. In the result dataset, the Format has changed and the Jahr variable is Character. This is a major Problem for the operations coming next. Why is the Format of Jahr turned from numeric to Character? How can I avoid or correct this?
Are you talking about format types, or variable types?
Formats are numeric if you program them to be numeric. Formats are character if you program them to be character. How are you programming it?
Also, show us the log of the relevant parts of your program (with nothing chopped out, in the order that it appears in the log, unchanged). Please post the log as text by pasting it into the window that appears when you click on the </> icon. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.
this is the Code:
* Berechnung der monatlichen Summen, MR Ebene ;
proc summary data=Dashboard_Primaerdaten nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr monat ;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR1 sum=;
data MR2 (drop=Monat);
set MR1;
format monat ytd.;
Monat_2 = cats(jahr,monat,'Somme');
* Berechnung der monatlichen Durchschnitte, MR Ebene ;
proc summary data=MR1 nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr monat/mlf;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR3 mean=;
format monat ytd. ;
data MR3 (drop=Monat);
set MR3;
Monat_2 = cats(jahr,monat,'Moy');
* Berechnung der jährlichen Summen, MR Ebene ;
proc summary data=Dashboard_Primaerdaten nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR4 sum=;
data MR4;
set MR4;
Monat_2 = cats(jahr,'Jahr');
* Zusammenlegung der Datasets, MR Ebene ;
data MR (drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_);
length STUFE $9 STRUKNNZ $8;
set MR2 MR3 MR4;
struknnz = 'MRX'||MARKTREGION_BT;
proc sort data=mr; by struknnz; run;
this is the log:
1 The SAS System 09:05 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 2 OPTIONS PAGENO=MIN; 3 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='Programm'; 4 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Prozessfluss'; 5 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH='/pkkrp/200_Entwicklung/10_PYI/Entw_DashBoard_v14_3_2021.egp'; 6 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=''; 7 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME='Entw_DashBoard_v14_3_2021.egp'; 8 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=''; 9 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=''; 10 11 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 12 OPTIONS DEV=PNG; 13 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=0 YPIXELS=0; 14 FILENAME EGSR TEMP; 15 ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR 16 STYLE=HTMLBlue 17 STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SASBIHome/x86/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HTMLBlue.css") 18 NOGTITLE 19 NOGFOOTNOTE 20 GPATH=&sasworklocation 21 ENCODING=UTF8 22 options(rolap="on") 23 ; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.SASREPORT13(EGSR) Body file: EGSR 24 25 GOPTIONS ACCESSIBLE; 26 * Berechnung der monatlichen Summen, MR Ebene ; 27 proc summary data=Dashboard_Primaerdaten nway; 28 class marktregion_bt jahr monat ; 29 var ORB: NGS: DrK: ; 30 output out=MR1 sum=; 31 run; NOTE: There were 33430 observations read from the data set WORK.DASHBOARD_PRIMAERDATEN. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR1 has 390 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR1 decreased size by 0.00 percent. Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages. NOTE: PROCEDURE SUMMARY used (Total process time): real time 0.14 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 32 data MR2 (drop=Monat); 33 set MR1; 34 format monat ytd.; 35 Monat_2 = cats(jahr,monat,'Somme'); 36 run; NOTE: There were 390 observations read from the data set WORK.MR1. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR2 has 390 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR2 decreased size by 33.33 percent. Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 3 pages. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.02 seconds 37 2 The SAS System 09:05 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 38 * Berechnung der monatlichen Durchschnitte, MR Ebene ; 39 proc summary data=MR1 nway; 40 class marktregion_bt jahr monat/mlf; 41 var ORB: NGS: DrK: ; 42 output out=MR3 mean=; 43 format monat ytd. ; 44 run; NOTE: There were 390 observations read from the data set WORK.MR1. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR3 has 516 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR3 increased size by 50.00 percent. Compressed is 3 pages; un-compressed would require 2 pages. NOTE: PROCEDURE SUMMARY used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.05 seconds 45 data MR3 (drop=Monat); 46 set MR3; 47 Monat_2 = cats(jahr,monat,'Moy'); 48 run; NOTE: There were 516 observations read from the data set WORK.MR3. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR3 has 516 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR3 decreased size by 25.00 percent. Compressed is 3 pages; un-compressed would require 4 pages. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 49 50 * Berechnung der jährlichen Summen, MR Ebene ; 51 proc summary data=Dashboard_Primaerdaten nway; 52 class marktregion_bt jahr; 53 var ORB: NGS: DrK: ; 54 output out=MR4 sum=; 55 run; NOTE: There were 33430 observations read from the data set WORK.DASHBOARD_PRIMAERDATEN. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR4 has 45 observations and 20 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR4 increased size by 100.00 percent. Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages. NOTE: PROCEDURE SUMMARY used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.06 seconds 56 data MR4; 57 set MR4; 58 Monat_2 = cats(jahr,'Jahr'); 59 run; NOTE: There were 45 observations read from the data set WORK.MR4. NOTE: The data set WORK.MR4 has 45 observations and 21 variables. NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MR4 increased size by 100.00 percent. Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): 3 The SAS System 09:05 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 60 61 * Zusammenlegung der Datasets, MR Ebene ; 62 data MR (drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_); 63 length STUFE $9 STRUKNNZ $8; 64 set MR2 MR3 MR4; ERROR: Variable JAHR has been defined as both character and numeric. 65 STUFE = 'MR'; 66 struknnz = 'MRX'||MARKTREGION_BT; 67 run; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. WARNING: The data set WORK.MR may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 21 variables. WARNING: Data set WORK.MR was not replaced because this step was stopped. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 68 proc sort data=mr; by struknnz; run; NOTE: Input data set is already sorted, no sorting done. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 69 70 GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE; 71 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=; 72 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME=; 73 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=; 74 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=; 75 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=; 76 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 77 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=; 78 79 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 80 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 81 82 83 QUIT; RUN; 84
Try this:
proc summary data=MR1 nway;
class marktregion_bt jahr;
class monat/mlf;
var ORB: NGS: DrK: ;
output out=MR3 mean=;
format monat ytd. ;
thanks a lot, it solved the problem.
I didn't know that it was allowed to use more that one 'class'.
thx again, and have a nice day
as format definition I taped:
* Neues Format für die Berechnung der Durchschnitte für n Monate ; proc format; value ytd (multilabel) 1 ='Jan' 1,2 ='Feb' 1,2,3 ='Mar' 1,2,3,4 ='Apr' 1,2,3,4,5 ='Mai' 1,2,3,4,5,6 ='Jun' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ='Jul' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ='Aug' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ='Sep' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ='Oct' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ='Nov' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ='Dec' ; run;
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