Hie guys,
I am curently in an intership working on SAS, it's ending soon and therfore I am re-runing it bit by bit to make sure it works and that I did not make any mistake.
I had an issue with the unit of one of my variables, the variable take very small values so when odds ratio associated is quite big (31) I tryed changing the unit using 'Units' but the results are exactly the same and i dont get why. Especially since I remember that it use to work . Here is my code, I deleted some of the lines such as title or comments to make it more clear...
Proc Logistic data=Table_arachide desc;
/* and */
Proc Logistic data=Table_arachide desc;
Units TRARAH3 = 0.1 ;
I tried multipling the varble value by ten it then gives me different results for the asymptotic test but for the exact one it return me a strange confidence intervalle: [ . ,3.373 ] the "." being the strange part.
I hope one of you will be able to help me 🙂
Englich is not my first langage so pardon me if I made some mistake, feel free to ask for any clarification ...