when I run the entire code both work.crsp_indx and work.sicx are shown in output data tab. When I run them sequentially, i.e. first run one and then run the other one then only the last one is shown. I understand at the end the first table is still there and I can use it for future commands. But what can I do to make both of them stay even when run blocks of codes one by one?
(I know I can for example use the following code to make the first table show but I'm trying to find a solution which does not need extra coding after each run.
data crsp_indx ;
set crsp_indx ;
proc sql;
create table crsp_indx as
select vwretd,date,spindx From crsp.dsi
where date>='01DEC2002'd and date<'31DEC2020'd ;
proc sql;
create table sicx as
select sic,gvkey From compa.company;