Long story short, I keep getting the "ERROR: Sort execution failure" when running the code below. I know why I'm running into the issue, but can't wrap my head around how to fix it. The problem is that SYMPTOM1_TRXN_ID has many unique values that match to the SYMPTOM1_OTHER column (as you see in a quick snapshot of the table below).
My code:
proc sql;
create table SYMPTOMS as
from open_adms8 a left join cairs.SYMPTOM1_TRXN b on a.SYMPTOM1_TRXN_ID = b.SYMPTOM1_TRXN_ID;
Just a quick example: you can see that when SYMPTOM1_TRXN_ID 1 or 2 and they both have SYMPTOM1_OTHER = Suicidal ideation.... How do I handle this if I need to match two tables on SYMPTOM1_TRXN_ID because that is the identifier to join the tables?

Thanks in advance.