Now ,i have use the sas_94 M6 and suse12 ,and postgresql is 9.2.24 .When we use access to postgresql write data to postgresql with Bulkload.The way is used the PSQL Tool for Bulk Loading.
The code.
libname x2 postgres server="xxxx" port=xxx database="xx" xxxxx;
proc sql;
create table x2.class_test(bulkload=YES bl_psql_path='/opt/client/psql/psql' bl_delete_datafile=no)
as select * from;
/*The error log
psql_exec :waring: extra command-line argument "dbname=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec :waring: extra command-line argument "host=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec :waring: extra command-line argument "port=xxx" ignored
psql_exec :waring: extra command-line argument "password=xxxx" ignored*/
Question: sas how to pass parameter to psql。such as dbname host etc
Hi @shursulei
Usually the db host name and other details are provided in the libname statement itself while making a library connection. Bulk loading only supports few options as doucmented in the link here
I have set
option sastrace='d,,d,d'
to result the log.
The log appear the below .
[BULKLOAD] Psql command :export PGPASSWORD=xxxx ;"/opt/mppdb_client/psql/psql" --no-psqlrc -v VERBOSITY=verbose -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -d "sslmode=prefer user=mppcra dbname=icbc_edw_dev host=xxx port=25308 password=xxxx " -f "/tmp/xx/xxx.ctl" 2> "/tmp/xx/xxx.log"
now i want to how no to such as
[BULKLOAD] Psql command :export PGPASSWORD=xxxx ;"/opt/mppdb_client/psql/psql" --no-psqlrc -v VERBOSITY=verbose -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username=mppcra --dbname=icbc_edw_dev --host=xxx --port=25308 --password=xxxx " -f "/tmp/xx/xxx.ctl" 2> "/tmp/xx/xxx.log"
why not as the below.The log's paramter is not used
The code and log is attachments
Hi @shursulei
The log you have shared has this following error:
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "client_encoding": "GBK"Conversion between GBK and LATIN1 is not supported.
I guess there is a difference in the client encoding for your 9.4M1 rel and 9.4M6 rel. There is a parameter 'client_encoding' in the postgresql.conf file. You may have to verify that. Incase you wish to over-ride for particular SAS Session you can use environment variable 'export PGCLIENTENCODING=<encoding>' on system level.
The postgresql client is LATIN1.
I cann't understand the log occur as below:
************** Begin: PSQL Log File **************
/opt/mppdb_client/psql/psql: line 7: /tmp/exec_log2: Permission denied
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "dbname=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "host=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "port=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "password=mppcra@123" ignored
psql_exec: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/opt/huawei/Bigdata/mppdb/mppdb_tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
************** End: PSQL Log File **************
The code is below .
libname x2 postgres server="xxxxxxxxx" port=xxx database="xxx" schema="public" user=mppcra password="mppcra@123" client_encoding="lantin1" ;
option sastrace='d,,d,d' sastraceloc=saslog nostsuffix;
proc sql;
create table x2.class_clas_testxxxx(bulkload=YES bl_psql_path='/opt/mppdb_client/psql/psql' bl_delete_datafile=no)
select * from;
The before's encoding problem don't have.
The error
************** Begin: PSQL Log File **************
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "dbname=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "host=xxxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "port=xxxx" ignored
psql_exec: warning: extra command-line argument "password=mppcra@123" ignored
psql_exec: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/opt/huawei/Bigdata/mppdb/mppdb_tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
************** End: PSQL Log File **************
For general information about this feature, see SQL Pass-Through Facility.
Here are the SQL pass-through facility specifics for the DB2 under z/OS interface:
The DBMS-name is DB2.
The CONNECT statement is optional.
The interface supports connections to multiple databases.
The maximum length of an SQL statement is 1 megabyte.
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