I would like to extract qualitative responses after encountering a comma, following Yes/No responses and create two variables, one containing yes/no responses, and the other containing qualitative responses. Below is an example of the data as it is now, and what I would like.
Data as it is now:
ID Var1
1 Yes. The training was great!
2 No, it was not helpful.
3 Yes
4 YES, the part about patient-centered counseling
5 No, see my previous comment
6 Yes, Amber was wonderful!!!
What I would like:
ID Var1 Var2
1 Yes The training was great!
2 No it was not helpful.
3 Yes
4 Yes the part about patient-centered counseling
5 No see my previous comment
6 Yes Amber was wonderful!!!
Most observations have Yes/No only, or are blank. Only about 10% have qualitative responses included. This was a data entry error on the part of student assistants, but it occurs fairly often across different datasets and variables. I have used the SCAN function to identify observations that need modification, but would appreciate help creating a new variable to take the qualitative value (maintaining case and punctuation as it appears).
data want;
set have;
if scan(upcase(VAR1,1)) in ('YES','NO') then VAR2 = 'Modify';
/*I used VAR2 as a test to see if my use of the SCAN function worked to identify observations needing modification*/
I would like help assigning the qualitative values to VAR2 as they appear after the comma in VAR1, stripping the leading space, and leaving VAR1 with only the vale of Yes/No.
Thank you!