@BLT2023 wrote:
In the code below, I am looking to make the 'adult_pop' variable name capital (ADULT_POP) and make the observations that are within the COUNTY variable proper case. I have tried everything I can think of, so I'm looking for a fresh and more experienced set of eyes.
Why? Is it because you want upper case headings in a report or table that you will make use of? As always context is everything, we can offer better solutions if we knew WHY you are doing something.
So yes, you can force SAS to make the variable name upper case, as explained by @Kurt_Bremser and @Astounding, but it simply isn't necessary, its extra work with little benefit, IMHO. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do that thing. Better, you might want to assign a label to the variable, in which case you can then make the label whatever case you want, and make it more readable, so instead of ADULT_POP, do your audience a favor and use actual English (not computerese) labels, such as the label "Adult Population" (or similar). In reporting procedures such as PROC PRINT, PROC TABULATE and PROC REPORT, the labels (in real English, not computerese) will be used and your audience will be grateful.
Paige Miller