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I have written the following code for a class project. It has come up with the same error messages and warnings several times over- I seem to be missing a piece of code that is necessary to make this run without errors and warnings. I am seeking help identifying where I have gone wrong and what I can do to fix these errors and warnings. Additionally, in my results, there are missing observation counts for non-SAS data sets. What would be the best way for me to go about reading in these observations into this code?


*	STEP 1- Create Folders for CDPHE Study*;

%LET CourseRoot = /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023;


LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/3_Tabulations";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/4_Analysis";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/5_Results";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Documents";
LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Programs";




*	STEP 2- Create Libraries*;

LIBNAME CoImpt "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import";

*	STEP 3- Read in Demographic Data*;

*	3.1 - Disabilites*;
DATA	CoImpt.Disabilities;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/disabilities.txt" FIRSTOBS = 2 DELIMITER = '&' truncover;
	INPUT	tract_fips			:$10.
			pctn_disability		:$4.	;

*	3.2 - Education*;
DATA	CoImpt.Education;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Education.txt" FIRSTOBS = 2 DELIMITER = '|';
	INPUT	pctn1		:3.	
			pctn2		:3.	
			pctn3		:3.	
			pctn4		:3.
			tract_fips	$12.	;
*	3.3 - Employment*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx";

LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.Employment;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Employment;
*	3.4 - Insurance*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx";

LIBNAME	CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.Insurance
*	3.5 - Life Expectancy*;
DATA	CoImpt.Life_Expectancy;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Life_Expectancy.txt";
	INPUT	geo_id			$42.
			life_expectancy	$45.;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Life_Expectancy;

*	3.6 - Race & Ethnicity*;
DATA	CoImpt.Race_Ethnicity;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_race_ethn.csv" FIRSTOBS=2 DSD MISSOVER;
	INPUT	Census_tract			:$50.
			b								;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Race_Ethnicity;
*	3.7 - Poverty*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx";

LIBNAME	CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.Poverty

*	STEP 4: Read In Outcomes Data*
*	4.1 - County Composite*;
DATA	CoImpt.County_Composite;
	INFILE "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/County_Composite.txt";
	INPUT	county				$10.
			influenza_u95ci			;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.County_Composite;
*	4.2 - Depression*;
DATA	CoImpt;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt";
	INPUT	county								$10.
			Dep_95CI							$21.
			Dep_Quintile						$16.
			CT									$48.;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Depression;
*	4.3 - Low Birth Weight*;
DATA	CoImpt;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv";
			COUNTY_NAME			$10.
			LWB_DISPLAY			$32.
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.lowbirthweight;

*	4.4 - Mental Health*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx";

LIBNAME	CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.mentalhealth
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.mentalhealth;
*	4.5 - Overweight Obesity*;
DATA	CoImpt.oberweight_obesity;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/oberweight_obesity.csv";
	INPUT	county		$10.
			estimate	$54.
			ci			$44.;
	PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.oberweight_obesity;

*	4.6 - Obesity*;
DATA	CoImpt.Obesity;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/obesity.csv";
	INPUT	county		$10.
			estimate	$54.
			state		$44.;
*	Step 5 - Read in Risk Factors*	
*	5.1 - County Alcohol*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx";

LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.County_Alcohol;

*	5.2 - Language*;
DATA	CoImpt.Language;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_language.txt" DELIMITER = '*';
	INPUT	fips
			Percent_SpeakEngLTVW_Spanish		;
*	5.3 - Food Environment*;
LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx";

LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx";
		DATA = CoImpt.FoodEnv;
*	5.4 - Marijuana*;
DATA	CoImpt.Marijuana;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/marijuana.txt";
	INPUT	Colorado	:$44.
			Regional	:$64.;
*	5.5 - Physical Activity*;
DATA	CoImpt.PhysicalActivity;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/PhysicalActivity.txt" DELIMITER = ',' DSD MISSOVER;
	INPUT	CT					:$48.
			pa_ct95				:$21.
			pa_quintile			:$16.;
*	STEP 6 - Read in Reference Table*
*	6.1 - Geoidentifiers*;
DATA	CoImpt.Geo_Reference_Table;
	INFILE	"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Geo_identifiers.txt";
			COUNTY			$10.
			TRACT_NAME		$48.;
;	*';	*";	*/;	QUIT;	RUN;
*	End of Program   *; RUN;	

Below is the log:

 69         *************PROGRAMHEADER*****************
 70         *****************************************************************************************
 71         **
 72         *PROGRAM:Project 1                       *
 73         *PURPOSE:Read in CDPHE Data                                                      *
 74         *AUTHOR:*
 75         *CREATED:2023-09-28*
 76         *COURSE:BIOS 6680 - Data Management Using SAS                                   *
 76       !  
 77         *                                                                                    *
 78         *   CONTENTS:                                                                           *
 79         *   Step 1 - Create Folders for CDPHE Study                        *
 80         *   Step 2 - Create Libraries                     *
 81         *   Step 3 - Read in Demographic Data*
 82         * 3.1 - Disabilities*
 83         * 3.2 - Education*
 84         * 3.3 - Employment*
 85         * 3.4 - Insurance*
 86         * 3.5 - Life Expectancy*
 87         * 3.6 - Racev& Ethnicity*
 88         * 3.7 - Poverty*
 89         *   Step 4 - Read in Outcomes Data  *
 90         * 4.1 - County Composite*
 91         * 4.2 - Depression*
 92         * 4.3 - Low Birth Weight*
 93         * 4.4 - Mental Health*
 94         * 4.5 - Overweight Obesity*
 95         * 4.6 - Obesity*
 96         *   Step 5 - Read in Risk Factors Data *
 97         * 5.1 - County Alcohol*
 98         * 5.2 - Language*
 99         * 5.3 - Food Environment*
 100        * 5.4 - Marijuana*
 101        * 5.5 - Physical Activity*
 102        *Step 6 - Read in Reference Table                                              *
 103        *         6.1 - Geo Identifiers                                                 *
 104        *****************************************************************************************
 105        ***********************************************************************************; RUN;
 107        *STEP 1- Create Folders for CDPHE Study*;
 109        %LET CourseRoot = /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023;
 113        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study
 114        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data
 115        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source
 116        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import
 117        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/3_Tabulations";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/3_Tabulations
 118        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/4_Analysis";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/4_Analysis
 119        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/5_Results";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/5_Results
 120        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Documents";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Documents
 121        LIBNAME Create "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Programs";
 NOTE: Libref CREATE was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Programs
 123        LIBNAME Create CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CREATE has been deassigned.
 127        RUN;
 129        *STEP 2- Create Libraries*;
 131        LIBNAME CoImpt "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/2_Import
 133        *STEP 3- Read in Demographic Data*;
 135        *3.1 - Disabilites*;
 136        DATACoImpt.Disabilities;
 137        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/disabilities.txt" FIRSTOBS = 2 DELIMITER = '&' truncover;
 138        INPUTtract_fips:$10.
 139        pctn_disability:$4.;
 140        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/disabilities.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/disabilities.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:41,
       File Size (bytes)=20327
 NOTE: 1242 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/disabilities.txt".
       The minimum record length was 11.
       The maximum record length was 15.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.DISABILITIES has 1242 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.05 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              756.06k
       OS Memory           32116.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:15 AM
       Step Count                        188  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     110
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        46
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           272
 142      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 143        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              1741.71k
       OS Memory           32376.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:15 AM
       Step Count                        189  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     98
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        9
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            288
       Block Output Operations           16
 145        *3.2 - Education*;
 146        DATACoImpt.Education;
 147        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Education.txt" FIRSTOBS = 2 DELIMITER = '|';
 148        INPUTpctn1:3.
 149        pctn2:3.
 150        pctn3:3.
 151        pctn4:3.
 152        tract_fips$12.;
 153        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Education.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Education.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:41,
       File Size (bytes)=38964
 NOTE: 1242 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Education.txt".
       The minimum record length was 22.
       The maximum record length was 32.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.EDUCATION has 1242 observations and 5 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.01 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              873.18k
       OS Memory           32116.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:15 AM
       Step Count                        190  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     86
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        47
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           264
 155      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 156        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              909.25k
       OS Memory           32376.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:15 AM
       Step Count                        191  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     95
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        10
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            288
       Block Output Operations           24
 158        *3.3 - Employment*;
 159        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx
 160        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 162        LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Employment.xlsx
 163        PROC PRINT
 164        DATA = CoImpt.Employment;
 165        LABEL;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1242 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1242 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: There were 1242 observations read from the data set COIMPT.Employment.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.50 seconds
       user cpu time       0.51 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3854.06k
       OS Memory           35012.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        192  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     822
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        5
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           288
 167      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Employment;
 168        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.03 seconds
       user cpu time       0.03 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              3942.43k
       OS Memory           35272.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        193  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     725
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        2
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 170        *3.4 - Insurance*;
 171        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx
 172        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 174        LIBNAMECoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Insurance.xlsx
 175        PROC PRINT
 176        DATA = CoImpt.Insurance
 177        LABEL;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1 observations and 64 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1 observations and 64 variables.
 NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set COIMPT.Insurance.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.06 seconds
       user cpu time       0.06 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              5720.62k
       OS Memory           37060.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        194  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1038
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        6
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            24
       Block Output Operations           16
 179      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Insurance;
 180        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.08 seconds
       user cpu time       0.08 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              5536.65k
       OS Memory           37064.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        195  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     998
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        2
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           40
 182        *3.5 - Life Expectancy*;
 183        DATACoImpt.Life_Expectancy;
 184        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Life_Expectancy.txt";
 185        INPUTgeo_id$42.
 186        life_expectancy$45.;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Life_Expectancy.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Life_Expectancy.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:41,
       File Size (bytes)=112410
 NOTE: 1249 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Life_Expectancy.txt".
       The minimum record length was 88.
       The maximum record length was 88.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Life_Expectancy has 1249 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 1249 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.10 seconds
       user cpu time       0.09 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              7926.84k
       OS Memory           40268.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        196  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1636
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        41
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            56
       Block Output Operations           424
 187      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Life_Expectancy;
 188        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.06 seconds
       user cpu time       0.07 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              5401.18k
       OS Memory           37064.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        197  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1026
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        14
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            136
       Block Output Operations           24
 190        *3.6 - Race & Ethnicity*;
 191        DATACoImpt.Race_Ethnicity;
 192        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_race_ethn.csv" FIRSTOBS=2 DSD MISSOVER;
 193        INPUTCensus_tract:$50.
 194        Population_density
 195        N_White
 196        Pctn_White
 197        N_Africanamerican
 198        Pctn_Africanamerican
 199        N_AIAN
 200        Pctn_AIAN
 201        N_Asian
 202        Pctn_Asian
 203        N_NH_OPI
 204        Pctn_NH_OPI
 205        N_Other
 206        Pctn_Other
 207        N_Hispanic_Latino
 208        Pctn_Hispanic_Latino
 209        N_NHL
 210        Pctn_NHL
 211        a
 212        b;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_race_ethn.csv" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_race_ethn.csv,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:41,
       File Size (bytes)=203890
 NOTE: 1242 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_race_ethn.csv".
       The minimum record length was 143.
       The maximum record length was 173.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Race_Ethnicity has 1242 observations and 20 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 1242 observations and 20 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.14 seconds
       user cpu time       0.13 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              7915.93k
       OS Memory           40268.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        198  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1664
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        43
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            288
       Block Output Operations           432
 214      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Race_Ethnicity;
 215        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.16 seconds
       user cpu time       0.15 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              5412.34k
       OS Memory           37064.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:16 AM
       Step Count                        199  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     996
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        14
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            344
       Block Output Operations           24
 217        *3.7 - Poverty*;
 218        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx
 219        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 221        LIBNAMECoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/poverty.xlsx
 222        PROC PRINT
 223        DATA = CoImpt.Poverty
 224        LABEL;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 2 observations and 1243 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 2 observations and 1243 variables.
 NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set COIMPT.Poverty.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.58 seconds
       user cpu time       0.58 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              13873.12k
       OS Memory           45608.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:17 AM
       Step Count                        200  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     3006
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        6
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            56
       Block Output Operations           280
 226      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Poverty;
 227        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.81 seconds
       user cpu time       0.81 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              6261.75k
       OS Memory           37576.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        201  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1094
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        2
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           600
 229        *STEP 4: Read In Outcomes Data*
 230        *4.1 - County Composite*;
 231        DATACoImpt.County_Composite;
 232        INFILE "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/County_Composite.txt";
 233        INPUTcounty$10.
 234        asthma_adjrate
 235        asthma_I95CI
 236        asthma_u95CI
 237        diabetes_adjrate
 238        diabetes_I95CI
 239        diabetes_u95CI
 240        mva_adjrate
 241        mva_I95ci
 242        mva_u95ci
 243        suicide_adjrate
 244        suicide_I95ci
 245        suicide_u95ci
 246        influenza_adjrate
 247        influenza_I95ci
 248        influenza_u95ci;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/County_Composite.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/County_Composite.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:24,
       File Size (bytes)=7149
 NOTE: 64 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/County_Composite.txt".
       The minimum record length was 75.
       The maximum record length was 118.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.County_Composite has 64 observations and 16 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 64 observations and 16 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.03 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              6059.37k
       OS Memory           38220.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        202  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1283
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        34
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           88
 250      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.County_Composite;
 251        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.03 seconds
       user cpu time       0.04 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3721.84k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        203  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     681
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        9
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            32
       Block Output Operations           24
 253        *4.2 - Depression*;
 254        DATACoImpt;
 255        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt";
 256        INPUTcounty$10.
 257        Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract
 258        Dep_95CI$21.
 259        Dep_Quintile$16.
 260        CT$48.;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:24,
       File Size (bytes)=94763
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 1 11-11.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 1         County_Name Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract Depressive_Disorder_Estimate_Con Depressive_Disorder_Ma
      101  p_Symbol_w ct 113
 county=County_Nam Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=Depressive_Disorder_C Dep_Quintile=ensus_Tract Depr
 CT=essive_Disorder_Estimate_Con Depressive_Disorder _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 8 11-12.
 9         "Rio Blanco" 9.6 "95% C.I.: 8 - 12.5" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 9511" 75
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county="Rio Blanc Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=9 "95% C.I.: 7.3 - 12 Dep_Quintile=" "Lowest Quinti
 CT="Rio Blanco" 9.6 "95% C.I.: 8 - 12.5" "Lowest Qu _ERROR_=1 _N_=5
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 10 12-15.
 11        Grand 18 "95% C.I.: 15.9 - 20.2" "Highest Quintile" "Census Tract 2.02" 71
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Grand 15.1 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 13.4 - 16.9" "F Dep_Quintile=ourth Quintile"
 CT=Grand 18 "95% C.I.: 15.9 - 20.2" "Highest Quinti _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 12 12-15.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 13        Moffat 15.9 "95% C.I.: 14.2 - 18.2" "Highest Quintile" "Census Tract 6" 71
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Grand 16.6 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 14.2 - 18.8" "H Dep_Quintile=ighest Quintile"
 CT=Moffat 15.9 "95% C.I.: 14.2 - 18.2" "Highest Qui _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 20 12-15.
 21        Routt 12.2 "95% C.I.: 10.9 - 14" "Middle Quintile" "Census Tract 5" 67
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Routt 12.9 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 11.4 - 14.6" "F Dep_Quintile=ourth Quintile"
 CT=Routt 12.2 "95% C.I.: 10.9 - 14" "Middle Quintil _ERROR_=1 _N_=11
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 22 12-15.
 23        Routt 11.8 "95% C.I.: 10.5 - 13.4" "Middle Quintile" "Census Tract 4" 69
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Routt 14.8 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 13.2 - 16.7" "F Dep_Quintile=ourth Quintile"
 CT=Routt 11.8 "95% C.I.: 10.5 - 13.4" "Middle Quint _ERROR_=1 _N_=12
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 24 11-14.
 25        Routt 10.4 "95% C.I.: 9.3 - 11.9" "Second Quintile" "Census Tract 3" 68
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Routt 9.9 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 8.8 - 11.2" "Se Dep_Quintile=cond Quintile" "
 CT=Routt 10.4 "95% C.I.: 9.3 - 11.9" "Second Quinti _ERROR_=1 _N_=13
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 26 11-14.
 27        Gunnison 10.2 "95% C.I.: 8.6 - 12.7" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 9639" 74
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Routt 9.8 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 8.7 - 11" "Lowe Dep_Quintile=st Quintile" "Ce
 CT=Gunnison 10.2 "95% C.I.: 8.6 - 12.7" "Lowest Qui _ERROR_=1 _N_=14
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 34 12-15.
 35        Eagle 14 "95% C.I.: 12.7 - 15.8" "Middle Quintile" "Census Tract 7.02" 70
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 13.1 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 11.9 - 14.8" "M Dep_Quintile=iddle Quintile"
 CT=Eagle 14 "95% C.I.: 12.7 - 15.8" "Middle Quintil _ERROR_=1 _N_=18
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 36 12-15.
 37        Eagle 16.9 "95% C.I.: 15.5 - 18.4" "Highest Quintile" "Census Tract 5.01" 73
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 12.5 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 11.5 - 14.5" "M Dep_Quintile=iddle Quintile"
 CT=Eagle 16.9 "95% C.I.: 15.5 - 18.4" "Highest Quin _ERROR_=1 _N_=19
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 38 12-15.
 39        Eagle 13.3 "95% C.I.: 12.1 - 14.8" "Middle Quintile" "Census Tract 3.02" 72
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 10.9 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 9.8 - 12.6" "Lo Dep_Quintile=west Quintile" "
 CT=Eagle 13.3 "95% C.I.: 12.1 - 14.8" "Middle Quint _ERROR_=1 _N_=20
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 40 12-15.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 41        Eagle 11.3 "95% C.I.: 10.3 - 12.4" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 7.01" 72
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 13.2 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 12.1 - 14.3" "M Dep_Quintile=iddle Quintile"
 CT=Eagle 11.3 "95% C.I.: 10.3 - 12.4" "Lowest Quint _ERROR_=1 _N_=21
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 42 12-15.
 43        Eagle 11.9 "95% C.I.: 10.8 - 13.7" "Second Quintile" "Census Tract 5.03" 72
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 12.7 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 11.6 - 14.1" "M Dep_Quintile=iddle Quintile"
 CT=Eagle 11.9 "95% C.I.: 10.8 - 13.7" "Second Quint _ERROR_=1 _N_=22
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 44 12-15.
 45        Eagle 13.6 "95% C.I.: 12.3 - 15.3" "Middle Quintile" "Census Tract 6" 69
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 11.8 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 10.7 - 13.3" "S Dep_Quintile=econd Quintile"
 CT=Eagle 13.6 "95% C.I.: 12.3 - 15.3" "Middle Quint _ERROR_=1 _N_=23
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 46 12-15.
 47        Garfield 15.9 "95% C.I.: 15 - 17" "Fourth Quintile" "Census Tract 9519.01" 74
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Eagle 12.2 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 11.2 - 13.5" "S Dep_Quintile=econd Quintile"
 CT=Garfield 15.9 "95% C.I.: 15 - 17" "Fourth Quinti _ERROR_=1 _N_=24
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 66 12-15.
 67        Summit 6.6 "95% C.I.: 5.7 - 8" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 1" 65
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Summit 7.5 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 6.5 - 8.7" "Low Dep_Quintile=est Quintile" "C
 CT=Summit 6.6 "95% C.I.: 5.7 - 8" "Lowest Quintile" _ERROR_=1 _N_=34
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 68 12-15.
 69        Summit 6.3 "95% C.I.: 5.5 - 7.5" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 3" 67
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Summit 8.1 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 7 - 9.6" "Lowes Dep_Quintile=t Quintile" "Cen
 CT=Summit 6.3 "95% C.I.: 5.5 - 7.5" "Lowest Quintil _ERROR_=1 _N_=35
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 76 11-14.
 77        Lake 20.7 "95% C.I.: 17.7 - 25.6" "Fourth Quintile" "Census Tract 9617" 71
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Lake 15.2 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 12.9 - 18.9" "L Dep_Quintile=owest Quintile"
 CT=Lake 20.7 "95% C.I.: 17.7 - 25.6" "Fourth Quinti _ERROR_=1 _N_=39
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 78 12-15.
 79        Delta 19.6 "95% C.I.: 18.4 - 21" "Fourth Quintile" "Census Tract 9652" 70
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Delta 21.6 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 20.2 - 23.4" "H Dep_Quintile=ighest Quintile"
 CT=Delta 19.6 "95% C.I.: 18.4 - 21" "Fourth Quintil _ERROR_=1 _N_=40
 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 80 12-15.
 WARNING: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached.  Further errors of this type will not be printed.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 81        Delta 22.1 "95% C.I.: 20.9 - 23.4" "Highest Quintile" "Census Tract 9650" 73
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"' occurred outside the 
       printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 county=Delta 21.5 Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract=. Dep_95CI=C.I.: 20.2 - 22.9" "H Dep_Quintile=ighest Quintile"
 CT=Delta 22.1 "95% C.I.: 20.9 - 23.4" "Highest Quin _ERROR_=1 _N_=41
 NOTE: 1250 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt".
       The minimum record length was 46.
       The maximum record length was 113.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set WORK.COIMPT has 625 observations and 5 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              887.87k
       OS Memory           33652.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        204  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     80
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        17
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           288
 262      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Depression;
 ERROR: Couldn't find range or sheet in spreadsheet
 ERROR: File COIMPT.Depression.DATA does not exist.
 263        RUN;
 NOTE: Statements not processed because of errors noted above.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              2888.03k
       OS Memory           35780.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        205  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     661
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        2
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
 265        *4.3 - Low Birth Weight*;
 266        DATACoImpt;
 267        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv";
 269        COUNTY_NAME$10.
 270        COUNTY_FIPS
 271        LWB_ADJRATE
 272        LWB_L95CI
 273        LWB_U95CI
 275        LWB_SL95CI
 276        LWB_SU95CI
 277        LWB_DISPLAY$32.
 278        POD_DEATH_SL95CI
 279        POD_DEATH_SU95CI
 280        POD_DEATH_DISPLAY$32.;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:24,
       File Size (bytes)=7466
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 1 1-167.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 2 11-47.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 2 49-52.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 2 54-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 2 60-80.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 2 82-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 2 92-95.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 2 97-101.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 3 33-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 3 51-59.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 3         2,LAS ANIMAS,71,8.24,6.12,10.37,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Differe
      101  nt Than State Average 121
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 4 1-45.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 4 57-60.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 4 62-66.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 4 68-88.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 4 90-98.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 4 100-103.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 4 105-109.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 4 111-117.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 5 33-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 5 48-56.
 5         4,GUNNISON,51,9.13,6.96,11.3,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or D
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
      101  ata Suppressed 114
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=4,GUNNISON,51,9.13,6.96,11.3,7.1 POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 6 1-50.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 6 63-86.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 6 88-91.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 6 93-97.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 6 99-105.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 7 1-43.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 7 45-53.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 7 55-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 7 92-93.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 7 95-99.
 8         7,OTERO,89,7.33,5.73,8.93,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different Tha
      101  n State Average 115
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,Lower Th POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=7,OTERO,89,7.33,5.73,8.93,7.19,7 _ERROR_=1 _N_=3
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 9 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 9 16-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 9 48-56.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 9 58-61.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 9 63-67.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 9 69-91.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 9 93-96.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 9 98-102.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 10 33-50.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 10 52-55.
 10        9,SUMMIT,117,11.16,9.47,12.85,7.19,7.1,7.28,Higher Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different Than S
      101  tate Average 112
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=9,SUMMIT,117,11.16,9.47,12.85,7. POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Diff _ERROR_=1 _N_=4
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 11 1-50.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 11 63-82.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 11 84-89.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 11 91-92.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 11 94-97.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 11 99-108.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 12 1-45.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 12 47-55.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 12 89-94.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 12 96-97.
 13        12,CROWLEY,25,9.7,5.18,14.21,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or D
      101  ata Suppressed 114
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=12,CROWLEY,25,9.7,5.18,14.21,7.1
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=5
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 14 1-48.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 14 61-80.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 14 82-87.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 14 89-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 14 92-95.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 14 97-106.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 15 1-41.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 15 43-51.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 15 85-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 15 92-93.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 16        15,ADAMS,1,7.39,7.11,7.66,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Higher Than State
      101   Average 108
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=15,ADAMS,1,7.39,7.11,7.66,7.19,7
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 17 1-45.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 17 57-60.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 17 62-66.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 17 68-87.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 17 89-94.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 17 96-97.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 17 99-102.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 17 104-113.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 18 33-44.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 18 46-54.
 18        17,YUMA,125,5.99,4.21,7.76,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Dat
      101  a Suppressed 112
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=17,YUMA,125,5.99,4.21,7.76,7.19, POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 19 1-43.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 19 55-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 19 60-64.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 19 66-85.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 19 87-92.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 19 94-95.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 19 97-100.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 19 102-111.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 20 33-44.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 20 46-54.
 20        19,DELTA,29,7.43,6.07,8.79,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Lower Than State
      101   Average 108
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=19,DELTA,29,7.43,6.07,8.79,7.19, POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Low _ERROR_=1 _N_=8
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 21 1-52.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 21 65-84.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 21 86-91.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 21 93-94.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 21 96-99.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 21 101-110.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 22 1-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 22 48-56.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 22 91-99.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 22 101-104.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 23        22,MORGAN,87,5.03,4.09,5.97,7.19,7.1,7.28,Lower Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different Than Stat
      101  e Average 109
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=22,MORGAN,87,5.03,4.09,5.97,7.19 _ERROR_=1 _N_=9
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 24 1-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 24 58-61.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 24 63-67.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 24 69-89.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 24 91-99.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 24 101-104.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 24 106-110.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 24 112-118.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 25 33-52.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 25 54-57.
 25        24,MONTEZUMA,83,8.72,7.28,10.17,7.19,7.1,7.28,Higher Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different Than
      101   State Average 114
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Diff _ERROR_=1 _N_=10
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 26 1-33.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 26 45-48.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 26 50-72.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 26 74-79.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 26 81-82.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 26 84-87.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 26 89-98.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 27 1-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 27 80-88.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 27 90-95.
 28        27,JEFFERSON,59,6.75,6.46,7.04,7.19,7.1,7.28,Lower Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different Than S
      101  tate Average 112
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=Different Than State Average,8.2 POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=27,JEFFERSON,59,6.75,6.46,7.04,7 _ERROR_=1 _N_=11
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 29 1-6.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 29 18-50.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 29 52-60.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 29 62-65.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 29 67-71.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 29 73-93.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 29 95-103.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 29 105-108.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 30 33-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 30 51-59.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 30        29,SEDGWICK,115,6.03,2.45,11.07,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events o
      101  r Data Suppressed 117
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=29,SEDGWICK,115,6.03,2.45,11.07, POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=12
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 31 1-6.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 31 18-48.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 31 50-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 31 60-63.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 31 65-69.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 31 71-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 31 92-97.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 31 99-100.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 32 33-46.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 32 48-56.
 32        31,ALAMOSA,3,8.93,7.19,10.66,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Different 
      101  Than State Average 118
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=31,ALAMOSA,3,8.93,7.19,10.66,7.1 POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not _ERROR_=1 _N_=13
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 33 1-47.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 33 59-62.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 33 64-68.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 33 70-89.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 33 91-96.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 33 98-99.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 33 101-104.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 33 106-115.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 34 33-45.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 34 47-55.
 34        33,OURAY,91,9.29,4.48,14.09,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Da
      101  ta Suppressed 113
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=33,OURAY,91,9.29,4.48,14.09,7.19 POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=14
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 35 1-43.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 35 55-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 35 60-64.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 35 66-86.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 35 88-96.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 35 98-101.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 35 103-107.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 35 109-115.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 36 33-53.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 36 55-58.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 36        35,SAGUACHE,109,11.63,8.24,15.02,7.19,7.1,7.28,Higher Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Data
      101   Suppressed 111
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,No Event _ERROR_=1 _N_=15
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 37 1-47.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 37 60-82.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 37 84-87.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 37 89-93.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 37 95-101.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 38 1-47.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 38 49-57.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 38 59-62.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 38 96-96.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 38 98-99.
 39        38,RIO GRANDE,105,9.11,6.87,11.34,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Diffe
      101  rent Than State Average 123
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,No Event POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=38,RIO GRANDE,105,9.11,6.87,11.3 _ERROR_=1 _N_=16
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 40 1-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 40 62-85.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 40 87-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 40 92-96.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 40 98-104.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 41 1-6.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 41 8-48.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 41 50-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 41 93-101.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 41 103-106.
 42        41,BACA,9,2.2,0.58,4.82,7.19,7.1,7.28,Lower Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Data Suppresse
      101  d 101
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=41,BACA,9,2.2,0.58,4.82,7.19,7.1 _ERROR_=1 _N_=17
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 43 1-45.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 43 57-60.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 43 62-66.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 43 68-88.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 43 90-98.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 43 100-103.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 43 105-109.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 43 111-117.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 44 33-43.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 44 45-53.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 44        43,LOGAN,75,6.33,4.9,7.75,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Lower Than State 
      101  Average 107
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=43,LOGAN,75,6.33,4.9,7.75,7.19,7 POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Low _ERROR_=1 _N_=18
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 45 1-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 45 20-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 45 51-59.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 45 61-64.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 45 66-70.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 45 72-92.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 45 94-102.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 45 104-107.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 46 33-44.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 46 46-54.
 46        45,MOFFAT,81,7.56,5.82,9.3,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Dat
      101  a Suppressed 112
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=45,MOFFAT,81,7.56,5.82,9.3,7.19, POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=. POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No
 _ERROR_=1 _N_=19
 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 47 1-51.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 47 64-84.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 47 86-94.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 47 96-99.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 47 101-105.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 47 107-113.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 48 1-48.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 48 50-53.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 48 87-88.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 48 90-94.
 WARNING: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached.  Further errors of this type will not be printed.
 49        48,KIOWA,61,7.32,2.72,13.91,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,No Events or Da
      101  ta Suppressed 113
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv"' occurred outside 
       the printed range.
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 LWB_DISPLAY=State Average,8.24,8.93,Lower Th POD_DEATH_SL95CI=. POD_DEATH_SU95CI=.
 POD_DEATH_DISPLAY=48,KIOWA,61,7.32,2.72,13.91,7.19 _ERROR_=1 _N_=20
 NOTE: 65 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv".
       The minimum record length was 98.
       The maximum record length was 167.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set WORK.COIMPT has 26 observations and 13 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              808.96k
       OS Memory           33652.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        206  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     99
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        17
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           320
 281      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.lowbirthweight;
 ERROR: Couldn't find range or sheet in spreadsheet
 ERROR: File COIMPT.lowbirthweight.DATA does not exist.
 282        RUN;
 NOTE: Statements not processed because of errors noted above.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              2877.62k
       OS Memory           35780.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        207  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     660
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        2
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
 284        *4.4 - Mental Health*;
 285        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx
 286        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 288        LIBNAMECoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/mentalhealth.xlsx
 289        PROC PRINT
 290        DATA = CoImpt.mentalhealth
 291        LABEL;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 64 observations and 6 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 64 observations and 6 variables.
 NOTE: There were 64 observations read from the data set COIMPT.mentalhealth.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.06 seconds
       user cpu time       0.07 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3266.18k
       OS Memory           35780.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        208  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     652
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        6
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            8
       Block Output Operations           32
 293      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.mentalhealth;
 294        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3541.90k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        209  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     674
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        4
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           24
 296        *4.5 - Overweight Obesity*;
 297        DATACoImpt.oberweight_obesity;
 298        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/oberweight_obesity.csv";
 299        INPUTcounty$10.
 300        estimate$54.
 301        ci$44.;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/oberweight_obesity.csv" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/oberweight_obesity.csv,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:24,
       File Size (bytes)=7007
 NOTE: 65 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/oberweight_obesity.csv".
       The minimum record length was 71.
       The maximum record length was 110.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.oberweight_obesity has 39 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 39 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              5843.15k
       OS Memory           38220.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        210  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1263
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        34
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           32
 302      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.oberweight_obesity;
 303        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3535.43k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        211  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     672
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        8
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            24
       Block Output Operations           8
 305        *4.6 - Obesity*;
 306        DATACoImpt.Obesity;
 307        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/obesity.csv";
 308        INPUTcounty$10.
 309        estimate$54.
 310        state$44.;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/obesity.csv" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/obesity.csv,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:24,
       File Size (bytes)=6972
 NOTE: 65 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/obesity.csv".
       The minimum record length was 59.
       The maximum record length was 110.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Obesity has 39 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 39 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.01 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              5842.65k
       OS Memory           38220.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        212  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1261
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        34
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            8
       Block Output Operations           40
 311      !  PROC CONTENTS DATA=CoImpt.Obesity;
 312        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              3535.53k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        213  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     676
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        9
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            24
       Block Output Operations           24
 314        *Step 5 - Read in Risk Factors*
 315        *5.1 - County Alcohol*;
 316        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx
 317        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 319        LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/county_alcohol.xlsx
 320        PROC PRINT
 321        DATA = CoImpt.County_Alcohol;
 322        LABEL;
 323        RUN;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1 observations and 64 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1 observations and 64 variables.
 NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set COIMPT.County_Alcohol.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.03 seconds
       user cpu time       0.03 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3905.53k
       OS Memory           35780.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        214  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     653
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        8
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            8
       Block Output Operations           16
 325      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 326        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.02 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3601.25k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        215  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     668
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        4
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 328        *5.2 - Language*;
 329        DATACoImpt.Language;
 330        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_language.txt" DELIMITER = '*';
 331        INPUTfips
 332        Language_Households_LimitedEngli
 333        Percent_OHU_LimitedEnglish
 334        Language_Population_AgeOver4
 335        Language_AgeOver4_SpeakOnlyEngli
 336        Percent_Language_AgeOver4_SpeakO
 337        Language_AgeOver4_SpeakEngLTVW
 338        Percent_Language_AgeOver4_SpeakE
 339        Language_AgeOver4_SpeakEngLTVW
 340        Percent_SpeakEngLTVW_Spanish;
 341        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_language.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_language.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:37:55,
       File Size (bytes)=59008
 NOTE: 1242 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/ct_language.txt".
       The minimum record length was 32.
       The maximum record length was 54.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Language has 1235 observations and 9 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 1235 observations and 9 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.05 seconds
       user cpu time       0.05 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              5819.90k
       OS Memory           38220.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        216  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1207
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        35
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           136
 343      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 344        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.07 seconds
       user cpu time       0.08 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3508.09k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:18 AM
       Step Count                        217  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     691
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        10
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            128
       Block Output Operations           24
 346        *5.3 - Food Environment*;
 347        LIBNAME Check XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref CHECK was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx
 348        LIBNAME Check CLEAR;
 NOTE: Libref CHECK has been deassigned.
 350        LIBNAME CoImpt XLSX "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx";
 NOTE: Libref COIMPT was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        XLSX 
       Physical Name: /home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/FoodEnv.xlsx
 351        PROC PRINT
 352        DATA = CoImpt.FoodEnv;
 353        LABEL;
 354        RUN;
 NOTE: Access by observation number not available. Observation numbers will be counted by PROC PRINT.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1249 observations and 56 variables.
 NOTE: The import data set has 1249 observations and 56 variables.
 NOTE: There were 1249 observations read from the data set COIMPT.FoodEnv.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           6.80 seconds
       user cpu time       6.80 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              4289.68k
       OS Memory           36036.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:25 AM
       Step Count                        218  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     713
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        9
       Involuntary Context Switches      5
       Block Input Operations            856
       Block Output Operations           4152
 356      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 357        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.08 seconds
       user cpu time       0.09 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              4020.71k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:25 AM
       Step Count                        219  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     668
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        9
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 359        *5.4 - Marijuana*;
 360        DATACoImpt.Marijuana;
 361        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/marijuana.txt";
 362        INPUTColorado:$44.
 363        Regional:$64.;
 364        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/marijuana.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/marijuana.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:37:54,
       File Size (bytes)=7015
 NOTE: 64 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/marijuana.txt".
       The minimum record length was 104.
       The maximum record length was 109.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Marijuana has 64 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 64 observations and 2 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.11 seconds
       user cpu time       0.10 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              6372.81k
       OS Memory           38476.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:25 AM
       Step Count                        220  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1304
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        51
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           944
 366      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 367        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.03 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3984.90k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:25 AM
       Step Count                        221  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     695
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        12
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            48
       Block Output Operations           24
 369        *5.5 - Physical Activity*;
 370        DATACoImpt.PhysicalActivity;
 371        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/PhysicalActivity.txt" DELIMITER = ',' DSD MISSOVER;
 372        INPUTCT:$48.
 373        adult_pop
 374        health_stats_reg
 375        pa_ct_estimate
 376        pa_ct95:$21.
 377        pa_quintile:$16.;
 378        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/PhysicalActivity.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/PhysicalActivity.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:37:54,
       File Size (bytes)=263320
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 1 19-33.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 1 35-208.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 1         Census Tract 9790, Fremont County, Colorado&2994&13&19.7&95% C.I.: 18.5 - 21.1&Fourth Quintile&Count
      101  y/Regional Estimate 18% (95% C.I.: 14.5 - 21.5)&Fourth Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9
      201   - 17.8) 208
 CT=Census Tract 9790 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 2 19-34.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 2 36-211.
 2         Census Tract 9516, Garfield County, Colorado&2800&12&16.9&95% C.I.: 15.7 - 18.1&Fourth Quintile&Coun
      101  ty/Regional Estimate 19.1% (95% C.I.: 14.8 - 23.5)&Middle Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 1
      201  6.9 - 17.8) 211
 CT=Census Tract 9516 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 3 20-34.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 3 36-208.
 3         Census Tract 28.03, Larimer County, Colorado&97&2&12.2&95% C.I.: 11.7 - 12.7&Lowest Quintile&County/
      101  Regional Estimate 14.1% (95% C.I.: 12.5 - 15.8)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9
      201   - 17.8) 208
 CT=Census Tract 28.03 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=3
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 4 19-30.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 4 32-206.
 4         Census Tract 9632, Yuma County, Colorado&4381&1&20.4&95% C.I.: 17.7 - 23.7&Lowest Quintile&County/Re
      101  gional Estimate 21.5% (95% C.I.: 14.7 - 28.3)&Fourth Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 -
      201   17.8) 206
 CT=Census Tract 9632 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=4
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 5 20-34.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 5 36-211.
 5         Census Tract 24.01, Larimer County, Colorado&1190&2&15.9&95% C.I.: 15.3 - 16.5&Highest Quintile&Coun
      101  ty/Regional Estimate 14.1% (95% C.I.: 12.5 - 15.8)&Second Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 1
      201  6.9 - 17.8) 211
 CT=Census Tract 24.01 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=5
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 6 20-34.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 6 36-210.
 6         Census Tract 24.02, Larimer County, Colorado&2298&2&14.2&95% C.I.: 13.7 - 14.6&Fourth Quintile&Count
      101  y/Regional Estimate 14.1% (95% C.I.: 12.5 - 15.8)&Second Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16
      201  .9 - 17.8) 210
 CT=Census Tract 24.02 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 7 19-36.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 7 38-209.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 7         Census Tract 9512, Rio Blanco County, Colorado&2080&11&11&95% C.I.: 8.8 - 14.6&Middle Quintile&Count
      101  y/Regional Estimate 16.2% (95% C.I.: 8.1 - 24.4)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.
      201  9 - 17.8) 209
 CT=Census Tract 9512 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 8 19-36.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 8 38-209.
 8         Census Tract 9511, Rio Blanco County, Colorado&2887&11&12&95% C.I.: 9.9 - 15.2&Middle Quintile&Count
      101  y/Regional Estimate 16.2% (95% C.I.: 8.1 - 24.4)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.
      201  9 - 17.8) 209
 CT=Census Tract 9511 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=8
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 9 19-31.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 9 33-207.
 9         Census Tract 2.01, Grand County, Colorado&4247&12&13.5&95% C.I.: 11.8 - 15.6&Middle Quintile&County/
      101  Regional Estimate 14.5% (95% C.I.: 4.3 - 24.8)&Second Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 
      201  - 17.8) 207
 CT=Census Tract 2.01 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=9
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 10 19-31.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 10 33-207.
 10        Census Tract 2.02, Grand County, Colorado&5788&12&15.4&95% C.I.: 13.6 - 18.2&Middle Quintile&County/
      101  Regional Estimate 14.5% (95% C.I.: 4.3 - 24.8)&Second Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 
      201  - 17.8) 207
 CT=Census Tract 2.02 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=10
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 11 16-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 11 30-204.
 11        Census Tract 1, Grand County, Colorado&2203&12&12.3&95% C.I.: 10.5 - 15.4&Second Quintile&County/Reg
      101  ional Estimate 14.5% (95% C.I.: 4.3 - 24.8)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 1
      201  7.8) 204
 CT=Census Tract 1 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=11
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 12 16-29.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 12 31-203.
 12        Census Tract 6, Moffat County, Colorado&958&11&17.1&95% C.I.: 14.7 - 19.9&Fourth Quintile&County/Reg
      101  ional Estimate 20% (95% C.I.: 12.6 - 27.5)&Middle Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 17
      201  .8) 203
 CT=Census Tract 6 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=12
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 13 16-29.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 13 31-204.
 13        Census Tract 5, Moffat County, Colorado&3137&11&17.9&95% C.I.: 15.5 - 20.5&Fourth Quintile&County/Re
      101  gional Estimate 20% (95% C.I.: 12.6 - 27.5)&Middle Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 1
      201  7.8) 204
 CT=Census Tract 5 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=13
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 14 16-29.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 14 31-205.
 14        Census Tract 4, Moffat County, Colorado&3471&11&18.4&95% C.I.: 15.9 - 21.2&Highest Quintile&County/R
      101  egional Estimate 20% (95% C.I.: 12.6 - 27.5)&Fourth Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 
      201  17.8) 205
 CT=Census Tract 4 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=14
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 15 16-29.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 15 31-205.
 15        Census Tract 3, Moffat County, Colorado&2123&11&17.9&95% C.I.: 15.9 - 20.1&Highest Quintile&County/R
      101  egional Estimate 20% (95% C.I.: 12.6 - 27.5)&Middle Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 
      201  17.8) 205
 CT=Census Tract 3 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=15
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 16 19-33.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 16 35-212.
 16        Census Tract 9556, Jackson County, Colorado&1082&11&36.4&95% C.I.: 33.3 - 42.1&Highest Quintile&Coun
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
      101  ty/Regional Estimate 17.1% (95% C.I.: 12.8 - 21.3)&Highest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 
      201  16.9 - 17.8) 212
 CT=Census Tract 9556 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=16
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 17 19-36.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 17 38-212.
 17        Census Tract 9241, Washington County, Colorado&1455&1&36&95% C.I.: 32.6 - 39.9&Highest Quintile&Coun
      101  ty/Regional Estimate 35.1% (95% C.I.: 21.8 - 48.3)&Highest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 
      201  16.9 - 17.8) 212
 CT=Census Tract 9241 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=17
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 18 16-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 18 30-203.
 18        Census Tract 8, Routt County, Colorado&1658&11&10.6&95% C.I.: 9.4 - 12.7&Second Quintile&County/Regi
      101  onal Estimate 11.3% (95% C.I.: 5.8 - 16.8)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 17
      201  .8) 203
 CT=Census Tract 8 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=18
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 19 16-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 19 30-204.
 19        Census Tract 7, Routt County, Colorado&4215&11&12.3&95% C.I.: 10.9 - 14.2&Middle Quintile&County/Reg
      101  ional Estimate 11.3% (95% C.I.: 5.8 - 16.8)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 1
      201  7.8) 204
 CT=Census Tract 7 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=19
 NOTE: Invalid data for adult_pop in line 20 16-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for health_stats_reg in line 20 30-204.
 WARNING: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached.  Further errors of this type will not be printed.
 20        Census Tract 5, Routt County, Colorado&3589&11&12.5&95% C.I.: 11.2 - 14.5&Fourth Quintile&County/Reg
      101  ional Estimate 11.3% (95% C.I.: 5.8 - 16.8)&Lowest Quintile&State Estimate 17.3% (95% C.I.: 16.9 - 1
      201  7.8) 204
 CT=Census Tract 5 adult_pop=. health_stats_reg=. pa_ct_estimate=. pa_ct95=  pa_quintile=  _ERROR_=1 _N_=20
 NOTE: 1249 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/PhysicalActivity.txt".
       The minimum record length was 180.
       The maximum record length was 216.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.PhysicalActivity has 1249 observations and 6 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 1249 observations and 6 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.12 seconds
       user cpu time       0.11 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              6387.46k
       OS Memory           38476.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:26 AM
       Step Count                        222  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1327
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        49
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            896
       Block Output Operations           960
 380      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 381        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.05 seconds
       user cpu time       0.05 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3908.00k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:26 AM
       Step Count                        223  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     707
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        12
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            80
       Block Output Operations           8
 383        *STEP 6 - Read in Reference Table*
 384        *6.1 - Geoidentifiers*;
 385        DATACoImpt.Geo_Reference_Table;
 386        INFILE"&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Geo_identifiers.txt";
 387        INPUTFIPS
 388        COUNTY$10.
 389        TRACT_NAME$48.;
 390        RUN;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Geo_identifiers.txt" is:
       Filename=/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Geo_identifiers.txt,
       Owner Name=u63571562,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=25Sep2023:12:38:09,
       File Size (bytes)=101169
 NOTE: 1249 records were read from the infile "/home/u63571562/BIOS6680_2023/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Geo_identifiers.txt".
       The minimum record length was 79.
       The maximum record length was 79.
 NOTE: The data set COIMPT.Geo_Reference_Table has 1249 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: The export data set has 1249 observations and 3 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.12 seconds
       user cpu time       0.11 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              6372.71k
       OS Memory           38476.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:26 AM
       Step Count                        224  Switch Count  1
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1310
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        52
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            864
       Block Output Operations           944
 392      !  PROC CONTENTS;
 393        RUN;
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.05 seconds
       user cpu time       0.05 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              3997.43k
       OS Memory           36040.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2023 04:28:26 AM
       Step Count                        225  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     701
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        13
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            88
       Block Output Operations           24
 395        ;*';*";*/;QUIT;RUN;
 396        *End of Program   *; RUN;
Super User Tom
Super User

Read the log and fix the obvious mistakes.    (also try not to post so much text in one post, or if you must use the "Insert a Spoiler Tag " icon to wrap it into a collapsible section) so your post is readable.


One strange thing seem to that is off with the copy and paste you are doing of the text.  The log is not showing spaces between tokens on the lines.  The code as shown cannot work, but the log seems to show that it did at least partly work.  So somehow the spaces (or have you mistakenly placed actual TAB characters into your program file?) after tokens like INPUT are gone so that you have an invalid statement that starts with INPUTcounty$10.

 256        INPUTcounty$10.
 257        Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract
 258        Dep_95CI$21.
 259        Dep_Quintile$16.
 260        CT$48.;


So the first mistake one I notice it appears you are trying to read the header line as data:

 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 1 11-11.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 1         County_Name Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract Depressive_Disorder_Estimate_Con Depressive_Disorder_Ma
      101  p_Symbol_w ct 113

That is because you did not include the FIRSTOBS= option on the INFILE statement.


Next you seem to have trouble with some of the actual lines of data

 NOTE: Invalid data for Depressive_Disorder_Census_Tract in line 8 11-12.
 9         "Rio Blanco" 9.6 "95% C.I.: 8 - 12.5" "Lowest Quintile" "Census Tract 9511" 75

Because the strings have been enclosed in quotes to protect the embedded spaces, but since you did not include the DSD option on the INFILE statement the quotes are ignored (treated as normal characters.  So the first value on line 9 is "Rio and the second value is Blanco" which is clearly not a number.

Remember that if you do add the DSD option that it will also change the default delimiter from space to comma, so if you still want to use space as the delimiter you will have also add the DLM= option

INFILE "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/Depression.txt"
  dsd dlm=' ' truncover firstobs=2

Similar things are happening on other steps, but the data lines seem to have other delimiters.  For example this one:

 NOTE: Invalid data for OBJECTID in line 1 1-167.
 NOTE: Invalid data for COUNTY_FIPS in line 2 11-47.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_ADJRATE in line 2 49-52.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_L95CI in line 2 54-58.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_U95CI in line 2 60-80.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_STATEADJRATE in line 2 82-90.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SL95CI in line 2 92-95.
 NOTE: Invalid data for LWB_SU95CI in line 2 97-101.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SL95CI in line 3 33-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for POD_DEATH_SU95CI in line 3 51-59.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 3         2,LAS ANIMAS,71,8.24,6.12,10.37,7.19,7.1,7.28,Not Different Than State Average,8.24,8.93,Not Differe
      101  nt Than State Average 121

Is because the lines are clearly delimited with commas, but your INFILE statement

INFILE "&CourseRoot/CDPHE Study/Data/1_Source/lowbirthweight.csv";

says to use SPACE as the delimiter.

Calcite | Level 5

Thank you for your feedback! So how do I fix this delimiter issue? I have tried DLM=" "


DLM=" ,"

DLM=", "

DLM="," DLM=" "

DLM=" " DLM=","


And none of this solved my issue. How can I account for the difference in DLM? (I have added in DSD, TRUNCOVER, and FISRTOBS)

Super User

Inspect your files with a suitable text editor (I always recommend Notepad++), which can show you the (maybe) special characters used as delimiters.

Once you have defined the correct delimiter, don't forget to use the colon modifier for the informats so they don't override the delimiters.

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