You cannot control the displayed output at that level unfortunately.
You can save the output to a data set (click on the OUTPUT tab and check the box and select the stats).
Then you can sort/re-order the output data set as desired.
@brush01 wrote:
I am working with the default CARS data set in SAS Studio, and want to examine the difference in mean horsepower between car manufacturers. The image/code below is my simple Summary Statistics program.
ods noproctitle;
ods graphics / imagemap=on;
proc means data=SASHELP.CARS chartype mean std vardef=df;
var Horsepower;
class Make;
As you can see, the output is organized by make. This would be fine if I were only interested in a single make, but the large number of manufacturers makes it difficult to examine the order of all at once. I need to sort the output table by Mean. How do I do it?