@Sandeep77 wrote:
Hi Experts,
I am trying to save a sas data set in a location. TU_acc_added_1 is the name of the data set. I am not sure if I am giving the correct command in the set statement.
libname Store "\\local2.local\shares\Public\Trace\2022_07_11";
data store.TU_acc_added_1;
set store.TU_acc_added_1;
29 data store.TU_acc_added_1;
30 set store.TU_acc_added_1;
ERROR: File STORE.TU_ACC_ADDED_1.DATA does not exist.
31 run;
Can you please suggest what mistake I am doing in my code. Thanks
The name on the DATA statement is the dataset that will be created.
The name on the SET statement is the dataset that is being read.
You used the same name on both and then didn't actually include any code that would change anything, so there was no need to even run the code as written.
So if you want to create STORE.TU_acc_added_1 what is the SOURCE of the data you want to write there?
Is it some other existing SAS dataset?
data store.TU_acc_added_1;
set mylib.mydataset;
Is it some other type of data? For example a text file? If so then perhaps you want use an INFILE and INPUT statement to convert the text file into a dataset?
data store.TU_acc_added_1;
input "mytextfile.txt" dsd dlm=';' ;
input var1 var2 var3 ;