Hello Everyone!
I am a new SAS user and had a question about Proc Means.
I have the following dataset set.
INFILE DATALINES Delimiter = ", ";
INPUT Type $6.
HtFt ;
Aspen, 2009, 15
Aspen, 2010, 16
Maple, 2010, 6
Maple, 2011, 8
Maple, 2012, 10
Spruce, 2009, 22
Spruce, 2010, 23
Spruce, 2011, 24
Spruce, 2012, 25
Type = Tree Type
Year = Year of assessment
HtFt = Height of tree in feet
Is it possible to use a "Proc Mean" to automatically average the height of each tree for each year, based off of each tree type?
I know that I could "Proc Transpose" the data and then average it in a Data Step, but was wondering if there was a way for Proc Mean to automatically do this.
If you could let me know if this is possible, it would be greatly appreciated!