121 Amit Sharma
122 Nikhil Devang
122 Nikhil Devang
Suppose If I am running a SAS DI SCD2 type transformation and the business key is Cluster Id and if I am generating surrogate key which is clusterno, then in the final table I am getting the values in the Active_FLAg for Nikhil Devang only in the last record of that id 122 as Y which I defined in the current indicator as Y
24JUL2019:14:42:11.074530 24JUL2019:14:42:11.074530 122 Nikhil N 10 Devang
31DEC2099:00:00:00.000000 24JUL2019:14:42:12.074530 122 Nikhil Y 10 Devang
What if I want Y in both the rows. Also if there is cluster_id in the final table. And if I insert two new entry with cluster id 122, then I would want Y for both the newly inserted cluster. How is it possible?
I want the below results
31DEC2099:00:00:00.000000 24JUL2019:14:42:12.074530 122 Nikhil Y 10 Devang
31DEC2099:00:00:00.000000 24JUL2019:14:42:12.074530 122 Nikhil Y 10 Devang
Only for last value in the active flag