Hello SAS expert,
I have the following SAS program that uses macro variables to retrieve the folder name for individual cases and processes the data within each case folder. Currently, the program processes one case at a time, and since there are 100 case folders, it becomes impractical to manually select each case. How can I modify the program so that it automatically retrieve the next case and repeat the process until all 100 cases have been handled. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you!
Sample of case folder names:
%LET id=1001B; /** individual case folder name */
%LET folder=C:\DDS;
LIBNAME ddsdata "&folder";
options dlcreatedir;
libname newdir "&folder/OUTPUT"; /creates folder where processed data will be stored */
* the following lines run DDS programs;
%INCLUDE "&folder\dssformat.sas";
%INCLUDE "&folder\dssINPUT.SAS";
%INCLUDE "&folder\ngaINPUT.SAS";
%INCLUDE "&folder\ddsmain.SAS";