Hi community,
I'm running two sas codes for importing .csv file from web (below the two codes) but one is good, while the other returns an error although it is very similar (really only the .csv file and relative url is different). Is there someone is avaliable to help me and explain me the reason, please.
Many thanks in advance for any suggestion.
filename csvFile temp termstr=lf;
proc http url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavideGuido/SASrep/main/ab2.csv" out=csvFile method=get;
proc import datafile=csvFile out=foo replace dbms=csv;
I think the important part of the Log is this:
Unable to sample external file, no data in first 5 records.
That means that there appears to be nothing matching what you told Proc Import to look for.
Run this and show what you get in the log:
filename csvFile url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavideGuido/SASrep/main/ab2.csv" termstr=crlf; data _null_; infile csvfile;
file print; input; put _infile_; run;
I am seeing lots of ; not commas. You told proc Import that the data is comma separated.
Also it seems that there may be some malformed values, see the Id followed by 11;40 as an example.
CODICE_FISCALE;data_cont ID1;32 ID2;41 ID3;42 ID4;35 ID5;43 ID6;36 ID7;46 ID8;36 ID9;36 ID10;28 ID 11;40 ID12;46 ID13;39 ID14;36
Many thanks Ballardw.
I have just tried to run your code and the results is below:
CODICE_FISCALE;data_cont ID1;32 ID2;41 ID3;42 ID4;35 ID5;43 ID6;36 ID7;46 ID8;36 ID9;36 ID10;28 ID11;40 ID12;46 ID13;39 ID14;36 ID15 ;44 ID16;35 ID17;40 ID18;36 ID19;40 ID20;39 ID1;32 ID2;36 ID3;33 ID4;44 ID5;46 ID6;61 ID7;51 ID8;30 ID9;49 ID10;33 ID11;48 ID12;36 I D13;33 ID14;32 ID15;36 ID16;44 ID17;41 ID18;34 ID19;33 ID20;51 ID1;32 ID2;56 ID3;39 ID4;35 ID5;37 ID6;32 ID7;39 ID8;41 ID9;47 ID10;5 3 ID11;39 ID12;42 ID13;41 ID14;41 ID15;35 ID16;35 ID17;59 ID18;40 ID19;41 ID20;35 ID1;38 ID2;45 ID3;44 ID4;43 ID5;37 ID6;40 ID7;36 I D8;41 ID9;50 ID10;46 ID11;36 ID12;55 ID13;47 ID14;45 ID15;43 ID16;42 ID17;40 ID18;44 ID19;43 ID20;38 ID1;53 ID2;36 ID3;41 ID4;42 ID5 ;39 ID6;38 ID7;35 ID8;39 ID9;37 ID10;45 ID11;32 ID12;34 ID13;39 ID14;38 ID15;35 ID16;39 ID17;41 ID18;45 ID19;41 ID20;36 ID1;35 ID2;4 0 ID3;28 ID4;32 ID5;26 ID6;37 ID7;45 ID8;40 ID9;40 ID10;37 ID11;48 ID12;44 ID13;39 ID14;43 ID15;42 ID16;50 ID17;41 ID18;43 ID19;42 I D20;37 ID1;39 ID2;39 ID3;55 ID4;44 ID5;42 ID6;38 ID7;34 ID8;37 ID9;46 ID10;33 ID11;38 ID12;42 ID13;43 ID14;50 ID15;39 ID16;37 ID17;3 8 ID18;36 ID19;37 ID20;42 ID1;29 ID2;32 ID3;50 ID4;43 ID5;44 ID6;40 ID7;37 ID8;42 ID9;45 ID10;52 ID11;47 ID12;36 ID13;31 ID14;54 ID1 5;42 ID16;49 ID17;40 ID18;37 ID19;44 ID20;41 ID1;44 ID2;41 ID3;44 ID4;51 ID5;47 ID6;40 ID7;32 ID8;48 ID9;32 ID10;29 ID11;36 ID12;39 ID13;36 ID14;49 ID15;41 ID16;47 ID17;40 ID18;40 ID19;42 ID20;28 ID1;58 ID2;44 ID3;35 ID4;29 ID5;38 ID6;34 ID7;38 ID8;41 ID9;36 ID10; 38 ID11;40 ID12;43 ID13;40 ID14;42 ID15;33 ID16;43 ID17;33 ID18;48 ID19;42 ID20;41
In addition, I have tried to import by adding the delimiter=";" option but it returns the same error.
Many thanks for the answer.
filename csvFile temp termstr=lf;
proc http url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavideGuido/SASrep/main/ab2.csv" out=csvFile method=get;
proc import datafile=csvFile out=foo replace dbms=csv;
It has worked. Perfect!!
Many many thanks Ksharp for helping me.
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