The dataset has 25 columns and 17,199 rows.
The CLASS variable r1surveyyear has 3 levels.
What do you mean by this statement in your code:
*no change for work.dt1, Assignment1 or work.Assignment1;
PROC MEANS will not change any of the above data sets. It will display output. If you're having issues with displayed output this is likely a part of that.
If you start a new, clean session of SAS and run the following what do you get?
proc means data=sashelp.class mean;
class sex;
output out=want n = mean= /autoname;
ods output summary=want2;
title 'Version 1';
proc print data=want;
title 'Version 2';
proc print data=want2;
OP apparently posted a bit of log and then removed it.
Interestingly there was a bit of code just before problem with proc means that looked like
172 173 *Exercise 1.1 174 *Replicate mean and standard deviati
Previous code shown did not include the *Exercise 1.1 bit so I suspect we have an issue with nested comment where the Exercise comment was not properly closed.
The new logs I posted after adjusting the comments per your suggestion don't seem to be displaying in the thread here, but after I fixed them I am still not seeing anything in the results panel, and the error log still ends on the same truncated line.
My Code:
/*import data and create temp dataset work.Assignment1*/
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE='/home/u61857737/my_data.csv'
/*assign data to dataset dt1*/
data dt1;
set work.Assignment1;
/*Exercise 1.1*/
/*Replicate mean and standard deviation of age for parcipants in study years
“1999-2004”, “2005-2010” and “2011-2014” in Table 1*/
proc means data=work.dt1 mean; /*no change for work.dt1, Assignment1 or work.Assignment1*/
var age;
The LOG:
1 OPTIONS NONOTES NOSTIMER NOSOURCE NOSYNTAXCHECK; 2 TITLE; 3 FOOTNOTE; 4 OPTIONS LOCALE=en_US DFLANG=LOCALE; 5 DATA _NULL_; 6 RUN; 7 OPTIONS VALIDVARNAME=ANY; 8 OPTIONS VALIDMEMNAME=EXTEND; 9 FILENAME _HTMLOUT TEMP; 10 FILENAME _GSFNAME TEMP; 11 FILENAME _DATAOUT TEMP; 12 %LET SYSCC=0; 13 %LET _CLIENTAPP='SAS Studio'; 14 %LET _CLIENTAPPABREV=Studio; 15 %LET _CLIENTAPPVERSION=3.81; 16 %LET _CLIENTVERSION=3.81; 17 %LET _CLIENTMODE=wip; 18 %LET _SASSERVERNAME=%BQUOTE(SASApp); 19 %LET _SASHOSTNAME=%BQUOTE(odaws01-euw1); 20 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=%BQUOTE(odaws01-euw1); 21 %LET _CLIENTUSERID=%BQUOTE(u61857737); 22 %LET _CLIENTUSERNAME=%BQUOTE(u61857737); 23 %LET CLIENTMACHINE=%BQUOTE(CPEE4BFFA89FC8F-CME4BFFA89FC8D.CPE.NET.CABLE.ROGERS.COM); 24 %LET _CLIENTMACHINE=%BQUOTE(CPEE4BFFA89FC8F-CME4BFFA89FC8D.CPE.NET.CABLE.ROGERS.COM); 25 %let SASWORKLOCATION="%sysfunc(getoption(work))/"; 26 FILENAME _CWD '.'; 27 DATA _NULL_; 28 CALL SYMPUT('_SASWORKINGDIR',PATHNAME('_CWD')); 29 RUN; 30 FILENAME _CWD; 31 32 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE = %NRQUOTE(%NRSTR(/home/u61857737/; 33 %LET _BASEURL = %BQUOTE(; 34 %LET _EXECENV=SASStudio; 35 DATA _NULL_; 36 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHINIT",""); 37 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHTERM",""); 38 RC=TSLVL('SASXGOPT','N'); 39 _ERROR_=0; 40 IF (RC^=' ') THEN DO; 41 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHINIT","GOPTIONS RESET=ALL GSFNAME=_GSFNAME;"); 42 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHTERM","GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE;"); 43 END; 44 RUN; 45 DATA _NULL_; 46 RC=SYSPROD("PRODNUM002"); 47 IF (RC^=1) THEN DO; 48 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHINIT",""); 49 CALL SYMPUT("GRAPHTERM",""); 50 END; 51 RUN; 52 %LET _DATAOUT_MIME_TYPE=; 53 %LET _DATAOUT_NAME=; 54 %LET _DATAOUT_TABLE=; 55 %LET _DATAOUT_URL=; 56 %SYMDEL _DATAOUT_MIME_TYPE _DATAOUT_NAME _DATAOUT_URL _DATAOUT_TABLE; 57 %LET _SASWS_ = %BQUOTE(/home/u61857737); 58 %LET _SASWSTEMP_=%BQUOTE(/home/u61857737/.sasstudio/.images/bf38490f-c8f1-45a6-a711-4bceb3f90ad1); 59 ODS LISTING CLOSE; 60 ODS AUTONAVIGATE OFF; 61 ODS GRAPHICS ON; 62 ODS HTML5 (ID=WEB) DEVICE=PNG GPATH="&_SASWSTEMP_" ENCODING=utf8 FILE=_HTMLOUT (TITLE='Results:') 62 ! STYLE=Htmlblue OPTIONS(BITMAP_MODE='INLINE' OUTLINE='ON' SVG_MODE='INLINE' 62 ! CSS_PREFIX='.ods_bf38490f-c8f1-45a6-a711-4bceb3f90ad1' BODY_ID='div_bf38490f-c8f1-45a6-a711-4bceb3f90ad1' ); 63 &GRAPHINIT; 64 OPTIONS FIRSTOBS=1; 65 OPTIONS OBS=MAX; 66 OPTIONS DTRESET DATE NUMBER NOTES; 67 OPTIONS NOTES STIMER SOURCE NOSYNTAXCHECK; 68 69 /*import data and create temp dataset work.Assignment1*/ 70 PROC IMPORT DATAFILE='/home/u61857737/my_data.csv' 71 DBMS=CSV 72 replace 73 OUT=Assignment1; 74 GETNAMES=YES; 75 76 RUN; NOTE: Unable to open parameter catalog: SASUSER.PARMS.PARMS.SLIST in update mode. Temporary parameter values will be saved to WORK.PARMS.PARMS.SLIST. 77 /********************************************************************** 78 * PRODUCT: SAS 79 * VERSION: 9.4 80 * CREATOR: External File Interface 81 * DATE: 20JUL22 82 * DESC: Generated SAS Datastep Code 83 * TEMPLATE SOURCE: (None Specified.) 84 ***********************************************************************/ 85 data WORK.ASSIGNMENT1 ; 86 %let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */ 87 infile '/home/u61857737/my_data.csv' delimiter = ',' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=2 ; 88 informat seqn best32. ; 89 informat pulse best32. ; 90 informat dm best32. ; 91 informat smokingnow best32. ; 92 informat totalchol best32. ; 93 informat hdl best32. ; 94 informat a1c best32. ; 95 informat gender best32. ; 96 informat age best32. ; 97 informat race best32. ; 98 informat educ best32. ; 99 informat antihtn best32. ; 100 informat insurance best32. ; 101 informat bmi best32. ; 102 informat preg best32. ; 103 informat sbpmean best32. ; 104 informat dbpmean best32. ; 105 informat race2 best32. ; 106 informat race3 best32. ; 107 informat cvd best32. ; 108 informat r1surveyyear best32. ; 109 informat highered best32. ; 110 informat povertycat2 best32. ; 111 informat risk10pc best32. ; 112 informat highriskpc best32. ; 113 format seqn best12. ; 114 format pulse best12. ; 115 format dm best12. ; 116 format smokingnow best12. ; 117 format totalchol best12. ; 118 format hdl best12. ; 119 format a1c best12. ; 120 format gender best12. ; 121 format age best12. ; 122 format race best12. ; 123 format educ best12. ; 124 format antihtn best12. ; 125 format insurance best12. ; 126 format bmi best12. ; 127 format preg best12. ; 128 format sbpmean best12. ; 129 format dbpmean best12. ; 130 format race2 best12. ; 131 format race3 best12. ; 132 format cvd best12. ; 133 format r1surveyyear best12. ; 134 format highered best12. ; 135 format povertycat2 best12. ; 136 format risk10pc best12. ; 137 format highriskpc best12. ; 138 input 139 seqn 140 pulse 141 dm 142 smokingnow 143 totalchol 144 hdl 145 a1c 146 gender 147 age 148 race 149 educ 150 antihtn 151 insurance 152 bmi 153 preg 154 sbpmean 155 dbpmean 156 race2 157 race3 158 cvd 159 r1surveyyear 160 highered 161 povertycat2 162 risk10pc 163 highriskpc 164 ; 165 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */ 166 run; NOTE: The infile '/home/u61857737/my_data.csv' is: Filename=/home/u61857737/my_data.csv, Owner Name=u61857737,Group Name=oda, Access Permission=-rw-r--r--, Last Modified=19Jul2022:20:28:31, File Size (bytes)=1414822 NOTE: 17199 records were read from the infile '/home/u61857737/my_data.csv'. The minimum record length was 72. The maximum record length was 84. NOTE: The data set WORK.ASSIGNMENT1 has 17199 observations and 25 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds user cpu time 0.03 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 10713.31k OS Memory 37920.00k Timestamp 07/20/2022 08:30:12 PM Step Count 105 Switch Count 2 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 268 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 11 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 6928 17199 rows created in WORK.ASSIGNMENT1 from /home/u61857737/my_data.csv. NOTE: WORK.ASSIGNMENT1 data set was successfully created. NOTE: The data set WORK.ASSIGNMENT1 has 17199 observations and 25 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.14 seconds user cpu time 0.11 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 10713.31k OS Memory 38436.00k Timestamp 07/20/2022 08:30:12 PM Step Count 105 Switch Count 10 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 5194 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 83 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 6984 167 168 /*assign data to dataset dt1*/ 169 data dt1; 170 set work.Assignment1; 171 run; NOTE: There were 17199 observations read from the data set WORK.ASSIGNMENT1. NOTE: The data set WORK.DT1 has 17199 observations and 25 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 3696.18k OS Memory 34224.00k Timestamp 07/20/2022 08:30:12 PM Step Count 106 Switch Count 2 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 495 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 12 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 6920 172 173 /*Exercise 1.1*/ 174 /*Replicate mean and standard deviati
@ballardw I've posted two completed logs and both were removed by the forum as soon as I post them. Do you know a work-around?
@gwwp wrote:
@ballardw I've posted two completed logs and both were removed by the forum as soon as I post them. Do you know a work-around?
From what I saw of the post that I saw and disappeared I can't actually say. However there may have been some characters that appear in the LOG that are "objectionable" to the forum software right at that comment and could be the cause of your problem.
That means a work-around that takes just a bit more work may be needed. First step would be to create an actual text file of the log contents. That might be as easy as open Notepad or similar (NOT Wordpad or Word or other program that may try to interpret odd codes), save the file to your local drive. Then on the forum use the "drag and drop" area to drop the text file, or use the browse document files link to add an attachment for that text file.
If that is indeed your entire log then there appears to be something in your source code with issues.
Which version of SAS are you using? We might have a side effect of one of the server versions limiting the size of the text that can be copied from the log if you actually see more than appears in the posts. Which would mean exporting the Log from the window to a text file. But if you don't see more in the log then the submitted code is an issue and that may require an export to text .SAS program file and attach that file as well.
Could you explain what a clean session of SAS is and how to get it? I'm using SAS Studio. Yesterday I was able to produce output to the results tab, but that work was lost.
I want to display the output to results of proc means for my dataset. Regardless of whether I state is as data=dt1, data=work.dt1, data=Assignment1 or data=work.Assignment1, there is no output. My logs are posted in separate comments here.
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