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I am using CIF fuction but the graph that SAS produce that is not what we want , so i am tryinng to plot it with proc gplot function.
how can i make this below code work on 9.4.
data work.test_ (label='Cumulative Incidence Estimates');
infile datalines dsd dlm='|' truncover;
label FAILCODE='Event of Interest'
TRT01PN='Planned Treatment for Period 01 (N)'
CIF='Cumulative Incidence Function Estimate'
ods graphics on;
ods output ;
axis1 order=(0 to 30 by 5) ;
axis2 order=(0 to 1 by 0.1) ;
title1 "";
footnote1 "";
proc gplot data=test_(where=(AVAL^=.));
plot CIF*AVAL=trt01pn/ haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 ;
ods output close;
ods graphics off;
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First you have to have SAS/Graph module licensed.
If you have the module licensed the code you provide creates a graph. If you are getting a graph and don't like the result the describe what you don't like or what you want that isn't appearing.
If you get an error that Proc Gplot isn't available then use SGPLOT which is most likely available though the options are different
title1 ""; footnote1 ""; proc sgplot data=work.test_(where=(AVAL^=.)); scatter y= CIF x=AVAL / group=trt01pn; xaxis values=(0 to 30 by 5); yaxis values=(0 to 1 by 0.1) ; run;
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First you have to have SAS/Graph module licensed. ::------ yes, i have licensed version 9.4.
If you have the module licensed the code you provide creates a graph. If you are getting a graph and don't like the result the describe what you don't like or what you want that isn't appearing. ::------ it does not create a graph nor produce any error in log i am using 9.4. i am using 9.4 because CIF can only produced in 9.4 .
here is log :
723 ods graphics on;
724 ods output ;
726 /*goptions reset=global ;*/
727 axis1 order=(0 to 30 by 5) ;
728 axis2 order=(0 to 1 by 0.1) ;
730 title1 "";
731 footnote1 "";
732 proc gplot data=test_(where=(AVAL^=.));
733 plot CIF*AVAL=trt01pn/ haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 ;
734 run;
735 quit;
NOTE: There were 14 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST_.
WHERE AVAL not = .;
NOTE: PROCEDURE GPLOT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
I am trying to produce a graph like below. i will deal with all the stats later and based .
If you get an error that Proc Gplot isn't available then use SGPLOT which is most likely available though the options are different.
i used your code and it produces below plot.
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@kk26 wrote:
First you have to have SAS/Graph module licensed. ::------ yes, i have licensed version 9.4.
If you have the module licensed the code you provide creates a graph. If you are getting a graph and don't like the result the describe what you don't like or what you want that isn't appearing. ::------ it does not create a graph nor produce any error in log i am using 9.4. i am using 9.4 because CIF can only produced in 9.4 .
here is log :
723 ods graphics on;
724 ods output ;
726 /*goptions reset=global ;*/
727 axis1 order=(0 to 30 by 5) ;
728 axis2 order=(0 to 1 by 0.1) ;
730 title1 "";
731 footnote1 "";
732 proc gplot data=test_(where=(AVAL^=.));
733 plot CIF*AVAL=trt01pn/ haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 ;
734 run;735 quit;
NOTE: There were 14 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST_.
WHERE AVAL not = .;
NOTE: PROCEDURE GPLOT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
I am trying to produce a graph like below. i will deal with all the stats later and based .
If you get an error that Proc Gplot isn't available then use SGPLOT which is most likely available though the options are different.
i used your code and it produces below plot.
You did NOT describe the type of plot you wanted. If using GPLOT then that depends on your SYMBOL statement definitions. The likely default after resetting goptions is to place plus shaped markers. To create lines you need to use and INTERPOLATION option.
There a quite a few things that can cause issues with the older graphics procedures because they expect output to be directed to a device. So if the default output is other than the monitor device it could be sent to a printer or file. Examine DEVICE setting.
You may need to run Proc Goptions to examine all of your settings.
To see your symbol statements if defined:
proc goptions symbol; run;
If there aren't any then you get a scatter plot with plus markers.
In SGPLOT that would be a Step or Series plot. To modify the example SGPLOT code in this case I think the only thing you need to change would be replace Scatter with Step or Series. If you want markers along with the line you would the Markers options and to control those add MARKERATTRS options.