I have a dataset A:
ID Car_part DateA Check_Date
1 mirror 01/02/2010 04/16/2020
1 Brake 01/03/2010 04/16/2020
1 mirror 01/23/2014 04/16/2020
2 mirror 12/13/2008 04/15/2018
2 mirror 12/13/2008 04/15/2018
2 mirror 12/18/2012 04/15/2018
3 mirror 07/07/2010 08/09/2015
3 Car 07/07/2010 08/09/2015
3 mirror 07/29/2010 09/08/2016
I want how many days are in between DateA and CheckDate.
Also I want to select 2 dates which are earliest near Check_Date.
If there duplicates then delete. But if there are duplicates and Car_Part is different. Then I want earliest and second earliest the same with different Car_Part.
Want Dataset:
ID Car_part DateA Check_Date Difference_Days
1 mirror 01/23/2014 04/16/2020
1 Brake 01/03/2010 04/16/2020
2 mirror 12/18/2012 04/15/2018
2 mirror 12/13/2008 04/15/2018
3 mirror 07/07/2010 08/09/2015 same but car_part is mirror
3 Car 07/07/2010 08/09/2015 same but care_part is car