I am trying to create a list of table names so that I can make a do-until loop that goes through each table and creates a new table that separates specific years into new tables. The imports work, the list works, and both proc sqls work until I added the do until loop. My goal is: for every table, create a new table by year until there are no more tables left to iterate. This is what I have so far:
(There probably is a better way to make a list for the existing tables, but with the name it should still work).
data work.tables;
input table_name $;
proc sql;
select distinct table_name into: table_list separated by ','
from tables;
%macro loop(current_table_list = table_list, obs = 3);
%local i next_table;
%let i=1;
%let next_table = %scan(¤t_table_list, &i, %str());
%do %until(%superq(next_table) eq %str());
proc sql;
select distinct put(year, 4.) into :yearList separated by ','
from &next_table.
where year >= 1940 and year <= 1980;
%let column = put(year, 4.);
%let table = work.&next_table.;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct
cat("DATA year_", &next_table., compress(&column.,,'kad'), "; set &table.
(where=(&column.='", &column., "')); run;") length = 500 into :allsteps
separated by ';' from &table. where year >= 1940 and year <= 1980;
%let i = %eval(&i + 1);
%let next_table = %scan(¤t_table_list, &i, %str());
No output or results.
The default note about creating macros: Start with working code that solves the problem for one year. Then think about macros.
The default note about asking for help: Post the log. The complete log. And, if macros are used, always activate the options mprint and mlogic, so that the log show what the macro did actually.
Why do you have to create that many datasets at all?
No output or results.
Hello hjkaufma!
There is defenitely more in the log ... you should post that to help us helping you (as @andreas_lds has already pointed out).
You should see the sql statements being executed and the macro code being digested (but not run, as @Astounding has detailed).
I can only agree ... you are not executing the macro, so whatever you see as/in tables are probably results from previous runs.
When it comes to getting lists of table names then you might consider the Dictionary tables, especially if the objective is to work with "every set" in a library.
You get the library name and data set name similar to
Proc sql; create table setnames as select libname, memname from dictionary.tables where libname='MYLIB' and memtype='Data' ; run;
You should investigate CALL EXECUTE to write code with stuff in a data set. You use the variable names holding the bit to write the syntax. Call Execute places code into stack that executes after a data step ends. That is basically what your
select distinct cat("DATA year_", &next_table., compress(&column.,,'kad'), "; set &table. (where=(&column.='", &column., "')); run;")
does if I understand what you are attempting.
I suspect that you have a problem here:
(where=(&column.='", &column., "'))
If &column is put(year, 4.) . The macro definition means that is the text
then the above resolves to
(where=(put(year,4.)='", &column., "'))
and even a later resolution of &column is going to quotes, commas and spaces and so is very unlikely to ever result in the Where returning anything.
Once you have set candidate years instead of writing a bunch of where dataset option data steps, that will require reading each record from each data set multiple times you would be better off, if this is really needed, to write one data step that look something like
data table1940 table1941 table1942 ... table1980; set table; select year; when(1940) output table1940; when(1941) output table1941; when(1942) output table1942; ... when(1980) output table1980; otherwise; end; run;
I have a very hard time seeing where creating all of these data sets is an advantage.
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