I have multiple raw files without header . I want to automate the process in order to create multiples datasets and also once the dataset created need to automate the process when we use logic say **Actvity_flag ='Y'**
, I need those datasets to be created which has data in it. No need of datasets with Null Rows.
Below is the Sample Text file
Path: C:\Data\datasets*****.txt
Below are the Variables
Id 1-16
First_Name 17-27
Last-named 28-47
Phone_no 48-58
Activity_Flag 59-59
Data in text file look like as below
10001 George Michael 123456789 Y
10002 Henry Jha 987456123 Y
10003 Rob Camer 258963147 N
10004 Allan Cruze 369852147 Y
10005 Andy wilson 147258369 N