Hello Experts,
I am trying to join Test_1 with Test_2 table with common client_code which is available in both the table but getting below error:
NOTE: Writing HTML5(EGHTML) Body file: EGHTML
29 proc sql;
30 create table Test_2 as
31 select a.*,
32 b.cl_name,
33 b.client_code
34 from Test_1 as a
35 inner join p2scflow.client as b on a.client_code = b.client_code;
ERROR: Column client_code could not be found in the table/view identified with the correlation name A.
ERROR: Column client_code could not be found in the table/view identified with the correlation name A.
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
36 quit;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
Not sure why it is throwing this error message. Can you please suggest what I am doing wrong here?