I am trying to define a macro which is used for replace mutiple transtrn(), that is to say:
data test;
method = '1,2,3,';
method2 = transtrn(transtrn(transtrn(method,'1',"test method1"),'2',"test method2"),'3',"test method3");
method3 = %transtrn(method,'1',"test method1",'2',"test method2",'3',"test method3");;
I am expecting method3 will has the same value as method2. So I write macro %transtrn() like this:
option nomprint nomlogic;
%macro transtrn()/parmbuff;
*extract parameters;
%global header tail;
%let mstring = %substr(&syspbuff.,2,%length(&syspbuff.)-2);
%if &header eq %str() %then %do;
%let header = %scan(%superq(mstring),1,%str(,));
*use prx-function to get substitute strings reliably;
%let pat = %sysfunc(prxparse(%str(/(('.*?')|(".*?")),(('.*?')|(".*?"))/)));
%if %sysfunc(prxmatch(&pat.,%superq(mstring))) %then %do;
%let sub1 = %sysfunc(prxposn(&pat.,1,%superq(mstring)));
%let sub2 = %sysfunc(prxposn(&pat.,4,%superq(mstring)));
*try recursion for multiple recall the prx-function part and combine every results into the final expression;
%let header = transtrn(&header.;
%let tail = &tail.,%str(&sub1.),%str(&sub2.));
%let left = %sysfunc(transtrn(%superq(mstring),%str(,&sub1.),%str()));
%let left = %sysfunc(transtrn(%superq(left),%str(,&sub2.),%str()));
%if %sysfunc(prxmatch(&pat.,%superq(left))) %then %transtrn(&left.);
%else %do;
%let Rst = &header &tail.;
%symdel header tail;
I tested my macro like this and everything seems right:
%put %transtrn(method,'1',"test method1",'2',"test method2",'3',"test method3");
transtrn(method ,'1',"test method1"),'2',"test method2"),'3',"test method3")
But when I apply it to my test program, it just wrong:
data test;
method = '1,2,3,';
method2 = transtrn(transtrn(transtrn(method,'1',"test method1"),'2',"test method2"),'3',"test method3");
method3 = %transtrn(method,'1',"test method1",'2',"test method2",'3',"test method3");;
Can someone help me? thanks a lot.