I don't have much experience with remote submissions, but here are a few ideas:
1. If you can generate the graphs on the server (but just can't see them), perhaps you can save the graphs to a PNG and then pull them back to the client for viewing.
2. If you can generate the graphs on the server, you can use ODS OUTPUT to save the underlying data object that contains the values in the graphs. You can then bring that data back to the client and graph it. here's what it looks like locally:
ods graphics on;
proc arima data=datasample2 plots(unpack)=series(acf pacf);
identify var = r nlag = 8 esacf stationarity = (adf= (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8));
ods select SeriesACFPlot SeriesPACFPlot;
ods output SeriesACFPlot=ACF SeriesPACFPlot=PACF;
proc contents varnum short data=ACF;
title "ACF";
proc sgplot data=ACF;
needle x=LAGS_SERIES_MAX_NLAGS_ y=ACF_SERIES_NLAGS_NLAGS_ / lineattrs=(thickness=8);
/* then do same for PACF */
3. You can use the OUTCOV= option on the IDENTIFY statement to get the ACF and PACF values in a data set. Unfortunately, you would have to compute the confidence bands by hand (if you want them) The value for PACF at LAG=0 might need to be adjusted. Here's the general idea
proc arima data=datasample2 plots=NONE;
identify var = r nlag = 8 esacf stationarity = (adf= (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8))
title "ACF";
proc sgplot data=cov;
/* band x=lag lower=LOWER upper=UPPER; */
needle x=lag y=corr / lineattrs=(thickness=8);
title "PACF";
proc sgplot data=cov;
/* band x=lag lower=LOWER upper=UPPER; */
needle x=lag y=partcorr / lineattrs=(thickness=8);