I am a new user for SAS Enterprise Miner.
Currently, my plan is to develop model for bankruptcy prediction.
My dataset consist of:
- 1 target variable – binary – to predict an individual will be bankrupt (0) or non-bankrupt (1)
- 17 input variables – all measurement level is set to categorical (nominal)
Sample of my dataset is compiled as follows in Excel. One client may have more than one type of credit facility. For example, client no. AQ4 has 5 types of credit facilities: study loan, mortgage, personal loan, credit card and hire purchase (loss after sales).

The dataset is compiled in Excel file. When it is being compiled like this, it generates 137,392 rows in Excel.
Then, I import the dataset into SAS Miner to analyse the dataset. Suppose, I have about 37,000 DMP clients (30,000 bankrupts + 7,000 non-bankrupts).

However, the result given in the dataset provides the number of rows as observation: 137,392; which I think, is incorrect as my total clients (respondents) is 37,000 only. This happen most probably due to the type of credit facility (which 1 client has more than one facility type).

Therefore, may I know how to compile / process this kind of variable with multiple responses using SAS Miner so that the output will generate the correct figures?
Appreciate if anyone could provide me detailed guide to solve this issue. Many thanks in advance.