Hello everyone, I would like to know how I can plot a figure like this?
The explanation is:
Median (black line) and interquartile range
(blue area) are indicated. The green area indicates the ranges 10th–25th and 75th–90th percentiles, respectively.
The red area indicates the ranges 5th–10th percentiles and 90th–95th percentiles. Data were obtained by quantile
Thanks in advance
If you need the PROC QUANTREG code, follow this example. An explanation of the program is in the link I posted earlier.
/* Program based on "How to score and graph a quantile regression model in SAS"
data Orig;
set sashelp.bweight(obs=5000 where=(MomWtGain<=40));
keep MomAge Weight Boy;
proc means data=orig;run;
data Score;
Weight = .;
do Boy = 0 to 1;
do MomAge = -9 to 17;
data Combined;
set Orig /* original data */
Score(in=_ScoreData); /* scoring data */
ScoreData = _ScoreData; /* binary indicator variable. ScoreData=1 for scoring data */
/* 3. Run the procedure on the combined (original + scoring) data */
ods select ModelInfo NObs;
proc quantreg data=Combined ci=none;
class Boy;
model Weight = MomAge Boy / quantile = 0.1 0.05 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.90 0.95;
output out=QRegOut(where=(ScoreData=1)) /* output predicted values for the scoring data */
P=Pred / columnwise; /* COLUMWISE option supports multiple quantiles */
proc sort data=QRegOut;
by Boy MomAge Quantile;
Data Wide;
set QRegOut;
retain Pred05 Pred10 Pred25 Pred50 Pred75 Pred90 Pred95;
if Quantile=0.05 then Pred05 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.10 then Pred10 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.25 then Pred25 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.50 then Pred50 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.75 then Pred75 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.90 then Pred90 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.95 then Pred95 = Pred;
if Quantile=0.95 then output;
drop Pred;
keep Boy MomAge Pred:;
proc sgpanel data=Wide noautolegend;
panelby Boy;
band x=MomAge lower=Pred05 upper=Pred95 / fillattrs=(color=salmon);
band x=MomAge lower=Pred10 upper=Pred90 / fillattrs=(color=LightGreen);
band x=MomAge lower=Pred25 upper=Pred75 / fillattrs=(color=LightBlue);
series x=MomAge y=Pred50 / lineattrs=(color=Black);
It sounds like you have used PROC QUANTREG to compute the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th estimates. Have you already used the OUTPUT statement to write the predicted values to a SAS data set? Do you have the data in wide form (as opposed to long form)? If so, then use the BAND statement in PROC SGPLOT to get the plot:
/* for wide data */
proc sgplot data=Have;
band x=X lower=Pred05 upper=Pred95;
band x=X lower=Pred10 upper=Pred90;
band x=X lower=Pred25 upper=Pred75;
series x=X y=Pred50;
For more information and an example, see "How to score and graph a quantile regression model in SAS."
If this doesn't answer your questions, please provide sample data so that we can see the form of your data.
Hi Rick, this is how my data looks like:
ID eGFR Gender Age 110 55 Male 45 111 67 Female 60 112 87 Female 78 114 68 Male 65 115 90 Male 43 116 87 Female 56 117 34 Male 67 118 58 Male 78 119 70 Female 89 120 80 Male 76
That's your original data, but what does the data look like that you intend to plot? Show us the PROC QUANTREG step you are using to get the regression quantiles.
If you need the PROC QUANTREG code, follow this example. An explanation of the program is in the link I posted earlier.
/* Program based on "How to score and graph a quantile regression model in SAS"
data Orig;
set sashelp.bweight(obs=5000 where=(MomWtGain<=40));
keep MomAge Weight Boy;
proc means data=orig;run;
data Score;
Weight = .;
do Boy = 0 to 1;
do MomAge = -9 to 17;
data Combined;
set Orig /* original data */
Score(in=_ScoreData); /* scoring data */
ScoreData = _ScoreData; /* binary indicator variable. ScoreData=1 for scoring data */
/* 3. Run the procedure on the combined (original + scoring) data */
ods select ModelInfo NObs;
proc quantreg data=Combined ci=none;
class Boy;
model Weight = MomAge Boy / quantile = 0.1 0.05 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.90 0.95;
output out=QRegOut(where=(ScoreData=1)) /* output predicted values for the scoring data */
P=Pred / columnwise; /* COLUMWISE option supports multiple quantiles */
proc sort data=QRegOut;
by Boy MomAge Quantile;
Data Wide;
set QRegOut;
retain Pred05 Pred10 Pred25 Pred50 Pred75 Pred90 Pred95;
if Quantile=0.05 then Pred05 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.10 then Pred10 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.25 then Pred25 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.50 then Pred50 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.75 then Pred75 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.90 then Pred90 = Pred;
else if Quantile=0.95 then Pred95 = Pred;
if Quantile=0.95 then output;
drop Pred;
keep Boy MomAge Pred:;
proc sgpanel data=Wide noautolegend;
panelby Boy;
band x=MomAge lower=Pred05 upper=Pred95 / fillattrs=(color=salmon);
band x=MomAge lower=Pred10 upper=Pred90 / fillattrs=(color=LightGreen);
band x=MomAge lower=Pred25 upper=Pred75 / fillattrs=(color=LightBlue);
series x=MomAge y=Pred50 / lineattrs=(color=Black);
Hi Rick,
Thank you and I was able to obtain a similar-looking plot from quantile regression results. I would like to know how I can add the intervals of 5 units to the x and y axis? TIA
For the X axis, use the COLAXIS statement:
colaxis values=(35 to 70 by 5) valuesHint;
For the Y axis, use the ROWAXIS statement:
rowaxis values=(60 to 125 by 5) valuesHint;
Hi Rick,
I'm further interested in looking at the distribution of decline in variables over time. How can I tabulate the distribution of slopes of regression lines over individuals?
Thanks in advance
Since the data you posted does not include a Time variable nor repeated observations for individuals, I suggest you start a new thread. Include data that we can use and the PROC code that you are using to model the slopes as a function of time.
Thanks, Rick! will do
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