Hi @tsureshinvites
You can try the below code. You can achieve exactly the same using a proc freq and then DATA/MERGE
/* Subject are failed in only one test of IE tests category */
proc sql noprint;
create table want1 as
select b.subject_id, b.Test_code, b.Result
from (select *
from (select subject_id, result, count(result) as count
from IE_Raw
where result = 'Fail' and substr(Test_code,1,2) ='IE'
group by Subject_id, result)
where count = 1) as a left join
IE_Raw as b
on a.subject_id = b.subject_id and a.result = b.result
where substr(Test_code,1,2) ='IE';
/* Subject_id passed / failed only one test in EX tests category */
proc sql noprint;
create table want2 as
select b.subject_id, b.Test_code, b.Result
from (select *
from (select subject_id, result, count(result) as count
from IE_Raw
where substr(Test_code,1,2) ='EX'
group by Subject_id, result)
where count = 1) as a left join
IE_Raw as b
on a.subject_id = b.subject_id and a.result = b.result
where substr(Test_code,1,2) ='EX';
/* Final merge */
data want;
set want1 want2;