You need to be aware the the main message windows will reformat text. Typically that means white space is reduced.
So what we see may not be as you intend or expect. To prevent this reformatting paste text into a code box opened on the forum using the </> icon.
When I examine this bit of your post:
INPUT @38 Score 40.
@1 Hospital $ 24.;
* Ruler 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
Md Anderson Houston TX 100.0
Memorial Sloan-Kettering New York NY 97.4
Mayo CLinic Rochester MN 91.8
Dana-Farber Boston MA 84.4
The only line that Score starts on or after column 38 is the second.
The F format, which is actually what you use when you specify Score 40. (the F is implied when only a number is encountered) , has a limit or maximum width of 32, which is cause of the Error message.