I am switching from the university edition to SAS 9.4 and having some issues with libraries. Could anyone let me know why my library is showing up as empty when it shouldn't be? I have described issue below:
I am trying to read a dat file stored in this physical folder(bios).

I first designated a new library by clicking the physical/source folder (bios). Also tried it using code:
libname myfol 'C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\SASUniversityEdition\myfolders\xxxx';

But when I open this library (myfol) it is empty, and I can't see any member files I see in my source/physical folder.

And when I run the code below, I get an error message.
data myfol.larynx.dat;
set myfol.test;

I have also tried to troubleshoot by designating a library from a different folder on my desktop. Still shows up as an empty library.