Help me pls ASAP, i want to use duncan method to analyze my data but the duncan graph is error as shown in the picture bellow. What should i do? here's my code
data fakral;
input respons panjang_stek hormon;
0.781024968 1 0
0.830662386 1 0
0.830662386 1 0
0.818535277 1 1
0.793725393 1 1
1.292284798 1 1
0.871779789 1 2
0.948683298 1 2
0.793725393 1 2
0.921954446 1 3
1.144552314 1 3
0.830662386 1 3
0.974679434 1 4
1.224744871 1 4
1.044030651 1 4
0.848528137 1 5
0.836660027 1 5
0.888819442 1 5
0.894427191 2 0
0.916515139 2 0
0.848528137 2 0
0.866025404 2 1
0.806225775 2 1
0.806225775 2 1
0.824621125 2 2
0.836660027 2 2
1.140175425 2 2
0.860232527 2 3
1.086278049 2 3
0.964365076 2 3
0.860232527 2 4
1.058300524 2 4
1.044030651 2 4
0.793725393 2 5
0.836660027 2 5
1.140175425 2 5
1.224744871 3 0
0.793725393 3 0
0.894427191 3 0
0.888819442 3 1
0.860232527 3 1
0.793725393 3 1
0.871779789 3 2
0.836660027 3 2
0.860232527 3 2
1.044030651 3 3
0.938083152 3 3
0.848528137 3 3
0.953939201 3 4
0.888819442 3 4
0.894427191 3 4
0.818535277 3 5
0.953939201 3 5
0.871779789 3 5
proc anova
class panjang_stek hormon;
model respons=panjang_stek hormon;
proc glm data=fakral;
class panjang_stek hormon;
model respons=panjang_stek hormon panjang_stek*hormon;
MEANS panjang_stek hormon /DUNCAN;