I have a column named "County" that lists the abbreviations for each county. I want to replace the county abbreviations with the full name but can't figure out how to do so (If-then, Macro....???).
I have taken the SAS essentials 1 course but am still struggling with writing basic code. Any suggestions on a reference that may be helpful?
Multiple ways
1. IF THEN like you mentioned. PG1 level.
2. Using a format. PG2 level.
3. Using a JOIN. SQL
I completed 1 an 2 for you. That should get you going. Depending on the number of unique values, i'd prefer one way over the other.
If I had only a few countries and don't need to reuse the code i'd probably just use an if/then.
If I need to use this functionality more often, or I have a large list of unique values, i'd use option 2 or 3.
/*table with country abbreviations*/
data ctry;
infile datalines;
input Country:$3.;
data newtable;
set ctry;
if Country='US' then FullName = 'United States';
else if Country='GR' then FullName='Greece';
else if Country='CA' then FullName='Canada';
/*You can change the FullName column to 'Country' if you want to overwrite the existing value*/
* More Efficient Solution if want to reuse the *;
* functionality, or you have a long country list *;
* (PG2 Level Topics) *;
/*Google to find a country abbreviations lookup table online. Probably find a csv version or webpage.
Here is what you would do with that table after it's a SAS data set*/
/*Create a table of the list of countries and abbreviations from online file. I am creating this manually
because I didn't want to lookup an entire list*/
data ctryLookup;
infile datalines dsd;
input CtryAbb:$3. CountryName:$30.;
US, United States
GR, Greece
CA, Canada
/*Once you find a table list, you need to create the following columns*/
-start (value to look for)
-label (how to label that value found)
-fmtname (name of the format to create)
data formatInputTBL;
set ctryLookup(rename=(CtryAbb=Start
/*Create a format using the above table as input and the CNTLIN option to create a format from a table*/
proc format cntlin=work.formatInputTBL;
/*View the new format you created*/
proc format lib=work;
select $ctryformat;
/*Use that format to create a new column (or overwrite an existing column)*/
data Newtable;
set ctry;
Fullname = put(Country, $ctryformat.);
- Peter
Multiple ways
1. IF THEN like you mentioned. PG1 level.
2. Using a format. PG2 level.
3. Using a JOIN. SQL
I completed 1 an 2 for you. That should get you going. Depending on the number of unique values, i'd prefer one way over the other.
If I had only a few countries and don't need to reuse the code i'd probably just use an if/then.
If I need to use this functionality more often, or I have a large list of unique values, i'd use option 2 or 3.
/*table with country abbreviations*/
data ctry;
infile datalines;
input Country:$3.;
data newtable;
set ctry;
if Country='US' then FullName = 'United States';
else if Country='GR' then FullName='Greece';
else if Country='CA' then FullName='Canada';
/*You can change the FullName column to 'Country' if you want to overwrite the existing value*/
* More Efficient Solution if want to reuse the *;
* functionality, or you have a long country list *;
* (PG2 Level Topics) *;
/*Google to find a country abbreviations lookup table online. Probably find a csv version or webpage.
Here is what you would do with that table after it's a SAS data set*/
/*Create a table of the list of countries and abbreviations from online file. I am creating this manually
because I didn't want to lookup an entire list*/
data ctryLookup;
infile datalines dsd;
input CtryAbb:$3. CountryName:$30.;
US, United States
GR, Greece
CA, Canada
/*Once you find a table list, you need to create the following columns*/
-start (value to look for)
-label (how to label that value found)
-fmtname (name of the format to create)
data formatInputTBL;
set ctryLookup(rename=(CtryAbb=Start
/*Create a format using the above table as input and the CNTLIN option to create a format from a table*/
proc format cntlin=work.formatInputTBL;
/*View the new format you created*/
proc format lib=work;
select $ctryformat;
/*Use that format to create a new column (or overwrite an existing column)*/
data Newtable;
set ctry;
Fullname = put(Country, $ctryformat.);
- Peter
The "If-Then" statement worked for me. I have an excel sheet with a column for the list of abbreviations and another column with the corresponding full name. Is there syntax I can use to incorporate that file so that I don't have to enter in 100 county names? Alternatively, could I use:
libname rabdata xlsx "/folders/myfolders/sasuser.v94/2019RabData_Raw.XLS.xlsx";
data newtable;
set rabdata.rab19;
If Animal_Address_County="FRA" then Animal_Address_County="FRANKLIN";
data newtable;
infile countyname.xlsx;
input Animal_Address_County:$30.;
FRAN, Franklin
A, Ash
Lay, Layton;
I used the MERGE function but am unclear on how to write code to include the other columns in the dataset. Do I need to include a KEEP statement somewhere? How would I write a FORMAT/CNTLIN function to achieve the same results (I looked it up in SAS help but still find it confusing).
libname rabdata xlsx "/folders/myfolders/sasuser.v94/2019RabData_Raw.XLS.xlsx";
libname lits2 xlsx "/folders/myfolders/sasuser.v94/LITSCodes.xlsx";
proc sort data=lits2.sheet1;
by An_Address_County;
data rabdata.rab19;
merge lits2.sheet1;
by An_Address_County;
Thank you!
Since you have the data you can follow the PROC FORMAT CNTLIN from the solution. That'll create a format from a table. That's definitely the easiest way. No way I would write 100 IF-THENS.
You could also learn about SQL JOINS.
- Peter
I forgot about those SASHELP tables. Great idea.
- Peter
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