Hello, everyone, I want to explore the association between PM2.5 (X) and COPD (Y).
I defined the variable, PM2.5 as non-linear and treated with a natural cubic spline.
COPD.match_newcopd is my data file. Here is the code....
proc sort data=COPD.match_newcopd
out=cubic (keep=copd pm25a mari_g diab hear Arthritis asthma cancer smk_g drk_g nut_g);
by pm25a;
ods select Model ANOVA ParameterEstimates SplineKnots;
proc logistic data=cubic outdesign=SplineBasis;
effect spl = spline(pm25a / naturalcubic basis=tpf(noint) details knotmethod=EQUAL(5)) ;
model COPD (event ='1')= spl /SELECTION = none;
output out=cubicOut5 predicted=Fit upper=u lower=l; /* output predicted values for graphing */
effectplot fit;
data a; set cubicout;
data copd.multipm; set work.a;run;
proc sort data=work.a; by pm25a;
title "Restricted Cubic Spline Regression";
ods graphics/height=6.5in width=10in imagename="Figure2" border=off;
proc sgplot data=a noautolegend;
where Fitexp ^=.;
band x = pm25a lower=Lexp upper=Uexp;
xaxis label='PM2.5 (ug/m3)';
yaxis label='Risk of COPD' ;
series x=pm25a y=Fitexp / curvelabel = "Predicted value";
series x=pm25a y=uexp / curvelabel = "Upper CL";
series x=pm25a y=lexp / curvelabel = "Lower CL";
Question 1: When I add the confounders (such as marriage) in the logistic model, I will get the terrible figure......
like: model COPD (event ='1')= spl marriage /SELECTION = none;
Is anything wrong with the above code?
Question 2: How I choose the best model with knots=3 or 5 by comparing the different AIC values? How I write the SAS code?
Thank you