You can check the macro variable SYSCC. SYSCC is going to capture about 90% of errors. After an SQL call, you can check SQLRC.
Something like this:
%MACRO Check_RC;
%IF &SYSCC >= 8 OR
(Send an email here or whatever you think appropriate)
You have to declare SQLRC but SYSCC is always present.
Then after each Data or Proc step you would code the following:
However, there are a few Errors in SAS that for whatever reason do not get captured in the SYSCC. What I do is look at the SYSERRORTEXT macro variable and compare it to a copy I have saved. If SYSERRORTEXT is not blank and is not equal to the value from the last time I executed %Check_RC, then I also consider that an error even if SYSCC is still zero. A zero return code is considered good. A 4 is considered a warning. An 8 or greater is considered an error. Occasionally there are some values of 1, but those are mostly in another status variable, SYSFILRC.