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Obsidian | Level 7

So I am running into some issues here: 

Following is the macro I am running to estimate the rate per 1000. The PROC GENMOD is running without any issue, however, in the second part where I am trying to access the same variable and perform some arithmetic operation, it is throwing the following error: 

" Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order"


Wondering it has to do with accessing the macro variable and corresponding numeric value from the dataset internally. But not quite getting the coding right. Any feedback or suggestion is appreciated! 




%macro rate1(dat,vars);
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
	%put %scan(&vars., &i.);
	%LET newv=%scan(&vars., &i.);

	data new_Results; 
	set &dat.;
	proc genmod data=&dat.;
	model  %scan(&vars., &i.) = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci;
	estimate 'Mean' intercept 1;
	title " cases for in &newv";

	proc print data=new_Results;
	id n %scan(&vars., &i.);
	inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.));
	LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2);
	UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2);
	title "rate per 1K  another way";


%mend rate1;


Accepted Solutions
Super User Tom
Super User

So what is the purpose of the macro?


It seems to be running GENMOD. 

And then also doing some calculations on and printing the results of those calculations.


It looks like you have included the ability to pass in multiple variable names and repeat the process for each.  In that case you might want to limit what variables you print in that last PROC PRINT (or what variables are created in the data step before it).  Otherwise each of those PROC PRINTS will include ALL of the variables in the original dataset, and not just the ones related to the current variable being analyzed.


You also might want to learn how to use %LOCAL macro variables.  It can make the coding a little easier to type, understand and maintain.


%macro rate1(dat,vars);
%local i var ;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
  %LET var=%scan(&vars., &i.);

title "GENMOD for in &var";
proc genmod data=&dat.;
  model  &var = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci;
  estimate 'Mean' intercept 1;

data new_Results2;
  set &dat.;
  LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, &var*2)/(n*2);
  UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (&var+1)*2)/(n*2);

title "rate per 1K  for &VAR another way";
proc print data=new_Results2;
  id n &var;
  var IR IR_1K LC UC res_l rec_u;


%mend rate1;


View solution in original post

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

You might want to show us the code for the run_pr macro.

Obsidian | Level 7
872  data x_trans;
873   infile cards;
874   input n c_tot c_etopfa c_sb c_lb;
875   ln=log(n);
876   dummy=1;
877   datalines;

NOTE: The data set WORK.X_TRANS has 1 observations and 7 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

879  ;
880  run;

881  %macro rate1(dat,vars);
882  %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
883      %put %scan(&vars., &i.);
884      %LET newv=%scan(&vars., &i.);
886      data new_Results;
887      set &dat.;
888      proc genmod data=&dat.;
889      model  %scan(&vars., &i.) = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci;
890      estimate 'Mean' intercept 1;
891      title " cases for in &newv";
892      run;
896      proc print data=new_Results;
897      id n %scan(&vars., &i.);
898      inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.));
899      IR=inputval/n;
900      IR_1K=IR*1000;
901      LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2);
902      UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2);
903      res_l=LC*1000;
904      res_u=UC*1000;
905      title "rate per 1K  another way";
906      run;
908  %END;
910  %mend rate1;

911  %run_pr(x_trans,c_tot);

NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set WORK.X_TRANS.
NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_RESULTS has 1 observations and 7 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: sashtml4.htm

NOTE: Fitting saturated model. Scale will not be estimated.
NOTE: Algorithm converged.
NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.
NOTE: PROCEDURE GENMOD used (Total process time):
      real time           0.84 seconds
      cpu time            0.26 seconds

ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric
       operand is required. The condition was: NUVAR
ERROR: The macro RUN_PR will stop executing.


This is the code I am getting

Super User Tom
Super User

Looks like the macro run_pr has a bug.

Do you have the source code that macro?


Obsidian | Level 7

This is the code I wrote.  

%macro rate1(dat,vars);
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
	%put %scan(&vars., &i.);
	%LET newv=%scan(&vars., &i.);

	data new_Results; 
	set &dat.;
	proc genmod data=&dat.;
	model  %scan(&vars., &i.) = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci;
	estimate 'Mean' intercept 1;
	title " cases for in &newv";

	proc print data=new_Results;
	id n %scan(&vars., &i.);
	inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.));
	LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2);
	UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2);
	title "rate per 1K  another way";


%mend rate1;

Super User

Unless proc print has changed a lot since version 9.4M4 none of the highlighted code is valid in Proc Print:

proc print data=new_Results;
897      id n %scan(&vars., &i.);
898      inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.));
899      IR=inputval/n;
900      IR_1K=IR*1000;
901      LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2);
902      UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2);
903      res_l=LC*1000;
904      res_u=UC*1000;
905      title "rate per 1K  another way";
906      run;

Print does just that, Prints. It can do some column sums but those other calculations are right out.

Also the INPUT function would require a format and I strongly suspect you do not actually have the macro variable you would be attempting to reference with that SYMGET call.

Obsidian | Level 7
When I run as a DATA step without using macro, it gives out the specific estimates. For example, instead of using "inputval", if I directly use the "c_tot") with the data=new_Results, it has those estimates. I wonder how can I access the value of "c_tot" by referencing it as a macro variable and perform the arithmetic operations? I guess this is a better way to rephrase my original question.
Super User Tom
Super User

Why did you send the code for the macro RATE1 when you are not calling that macro?

You are calling the macro RUN_PR.

Super User

@sigma_exp wrote:

This is the code I wrote.  

%macro rate1(dat,vars);
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
	%put %scan(&vars., &i.);
	%LET newv=%scan(&vars., &i.);

	data new_Results; 
	set &dat.;
	proc genmod data=&dat.;
	model  %scan(&vars., &i.) = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci;
	estimate 'Mean' intercept 1;
	title " cases for in &newv";

	proc print data=new_Results;
	id n %scan(&vars., &i.);
	inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.));
	LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2);
	UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2);
	title "rate per 1K  another way";


%mend rate1;



Why do you create newv macro variable but never use it?


Rhodochrosite | Level 12
that's the code for rate1. We need to see the code for run_pr. Get it?
Super User
NOTE: The data set WORK.NEW_RESULTS has 1 observations and 7 variables.

If your subset has 1 observation then you cannot run a regression. Something is wrong with your input data.



Obsidian | Level 7

As a count data, I have the parameter estimates and without running the MACRO, in a DATA with PROC GENMOD, it is running without giving any error. 

Super User
You're right, technically no errors.

NOTE: Fitting saturated model. Scale will not be estimated.
NOTE: Algorithm converged.
NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.
Rhodochrosite | Level 12
still not seeing the code for run_pr...can't help you without it.
Obsidian | Level 7

My mistake: please see the code below:


%macro rate1(dat,vars); %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.)); %put %scan(&vars., &i.); %LET newv=%scan(&vars., &i.); data new_Results; set &dat.; proc genmod data=&dat.; model %scan(&vars., &i.) = / offset=ln dist=poisson lrci; estimate 'Mean' intercept 1; title " cases for in &newv"; run; proc print data=new_Results; id n %scan(&vars., &i.); inputval=INPUT(SYMGET(%scan(&vars., &i.)); IR=inputval/n; IR_1K=IR*1000; LC=quantile('chisq',0.025, inputval*2)/(n*2); UC=quantile('chisq',0.975, (inputval+1)*2)/(n*2); res_l=LC*1000; res_u=UC*1000; title "rate per 1K another way"; run; %END; %mend rate1; %rate1(x_trans,c_tot);

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