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Calcite | Level 5

Hello, we have problem in using excel add-in. if we load data table bgiger than ~30 MB  and run any task from many (for axample tasks->describe->summary statistics) excel crashes. it works fine with smaller datasets. is there any solution for that? Thanks in advance.

Calcite | Level 5

we are using sas 9.3 and  excel 2007

Onyx | Level 15

How many columns and rows are in your SAS dataset that is causing the failure, and how many MB is it? I'm trying to replicate your problem.


Calcite | Level 5

it is about 20 000 000 rows and 50 columns. most of them are text with ~16 symbols length.  im not able to check the size of it...

Super User


That sounds odd.  If you are running summary statistics, then you probably aren't returning a lot of data to Excel.  What happens if you try to run the descriptive statistics from Enterprise Guide or similar? 


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Calcite | Level 5

EG works fine. for example we run tasks-> .. -> summary statistics with filter by one column equal to currency USD. when we press OK to run it crashes.

Onyx | Level 15

I've replicated your functions and volume, and my Excel works fine. I would suggest reporting this to SAS technical support; they may know how to do detailed troubleshooting. I suspect the contributors to this forum won't be able to help with a problem of this nature.
