I am trying to create a code like this;
,but with two tables.
First table is node_table includes nodes,vehicle_type etc.
Second table is vehicle_table includes type, capacity .
vehicle_type from node_table and type from vehicle_table are same. Should I specify this in code, and how?
And I want to add a capacity constraint for each type of vehicle?How can I add this?
Thanks in advance:)
Suppose your vehicle_table looks like this (with possibly different capacity values across vehicles):
data vehicle_data;
input vehicle capacity;
1 3000
2 3000
3 3000
4 3000
5 3000
6 3000
7 3000
8 3000
Then in the PROC OPTMODEL code, you would have:
num capacity {VEHICLES};
read data vehicle_table into VEHICLES=[vehicle] capacity;
And you would also need to change the Flow declaration as follows:
var Flow {ARCS, k in VEHICLES} >= 0 <= capacity[k];
Regarding vehicle_type, do you want to restrict which vehicles can service each node?
Sorry, I described the problem a little bit wrong .
The data vehicle_data and node_data like as follows.
data vehicle_data;
input vehicle capacity type
1 20 a
2 50 a
3 25 b
4 30 all
5 40 a
6 15 b
7 25 a
8 20 all
data node_data;
input node vehicle_type ;
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 b
9 b
10 a
The capacity constraint I wrote is total_time. I am calculating travel time between nodes and adding capacity(it is time variable),
total_time should less than or equal to 5 hours. But I am not sure that is calculated seperately for each type o vehicle.
And I want to restrict vehicles as their type.For instance, vehicle which is type a , should visit the node that has job a. Vehicle which type is all ,can visit every node.
Thank you
Here's how you can enforce the type restrictions:
data vehicle_data;
input vehicle capacity type $;
1 20 a
2 50 a
3 25 b
4 30 all
5 40 a
6 15 b
7 25 a
8 20 all
data node_data;
input node vehicle_type $;
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 b
9 b
10 a
proc optmodel;
num capacity {VEHICLES};
str type {VEHICLES};
read data vehicle_data into VEHICLES=[vehicle] capacity type;
set NODES;
str vehicle_type {NODES};
read data node_data into NODES=[node] vehicle_type;
set NODES_k {k in VEHICLES} = {i in NODES: type[k] in {'all',vehicle_type[i]}};
put NODES_k[*]=;
set ARCS_k {k in VEHICLES} = {i in NODES_k[k], j in NODES_k[k]: i ne j};
var Flow {k in VEHICLES, <i,j> in ARCS_k[k]} >= 0;
Or, if you prefer to keep the indexing of the original example, with k last:
set ARCS_VEHICLES = setof {k in VEHICLES, <i,j> in ARCS_k[k]} <i,j,k>;
var Flow {<i,j,k> in ARCS_VEHICLES} >= 0;
And similar changes for UseNode and UseArc.
What does your capacity constraint look like?
Thank you:)
the constraint I wrote look like this;
num time_minute{<i,j> in arcs}= traveltime[i,j]+capacity[j];
con _capacity{<i,j> in arcs}: sum{k in vehicles} time_minute[i,j] *usearc[i,j,k]<5*60 ;
I suspect that you want a constraint for each vehicle instead, as follows:
con _capacity{k in vehicles}: sum{<i,j> in arcs} time_minute[i,j] *usearc[i,j,k]<=5*60 ;
And notice the <= rather than <.
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