I have below data:
id $ cost profit_1 profit_2 score;
A -1 10 11 500
B -0.6 10 5 700
C -0.75 10 10.5 700
D -0.75 10.5 10 600
E -0.65 12 11 300
F -0.65 12 13 350;
Following code does the work when considering profits only:
proc optmodel;
set <str> ITEMS;
num cost {ITEMS};
set CASES = 1..2;
num profit {ITEMS, CASES};
read data have into ITEMS=[id] cost {j in CASES} <profit[id,j]=col('profit_'||j)>;
var X {ITEMS, CASES} binary;
max TotalProfit = sum {i in ITEMS, j in CASES} profit[i,j] * X[i,j];
con ChooseOne {i in ITEMS}: sum {j in CASES} X[i,j] <= 1;
con Budget: sum {i in ITEMS, j in CASES} cost[i] * X[i,j] <= 1.5;
print X;
but I want to add another constraint on score.
Something like SCORE must be greater than 500, i tried inserting following -
num score {ITEMS}
then in read data statement- SCORE[id] = col('SCORE')
And finally the constraint- con MinScore SCORE{i in ITEMS}: SCORE[id]>=500
but this is leading to infeasible solution because of cases where SCORE >=500.
Can anyone help in how to do this and what am I doing wrong?
Here are four ways, in increasing order of efficiency.
1. Impose explicit constraint:
/* if X[i,j] = 1 then score[i] >= 500 */
con MinScore {i in ITEMS, j in CASES}: score[i] >= 500 * X[i,j];
2. Fix variables to 0:
/* if score[i] < 500 then X[i,j] = 0 */
for {i in ITEMS: score[i] < 500} for {j in CASES} fix X[i,j] = 0;
3. Modify index set after reading data:
read data have into ITEMS=[id] cost score {j in CASES} <profit[id,j]=col('profit_'||j)>;
ITEMS = {i in ITEMS: score[i] >= 500};
read data have(where=(score >= 500)) into ITEMS=[id] cost score {j in CASES} <profit[id,j]=col('profit_'||j)>;
See also this doc example.
Here are four ways, in increasing order of efficiency.
1. Impose explicit constraint:
/* if X[i,j] = 1 then score[i] >= 500 */
con MinScore {i in ITEMS, j in CASES}: score[i] >= 500 * X[i,j];
2. Fix variables to 0:
/* if score[i] < 500 then X[i,j] = 0 */
for {i in ITEMS: score[i] < 500} for {j in CASES} fix X[i,j] = 0;
3. Modify index set after reading data:
read data have into ITEMS=[id] cost score {j in CASES} <profit[id,j]=col('profit_'||j)>;
ITEMS = {i in ITEMS: score[i] >= 500};
read data have(where=(score >= 500)) into ITEMS=[id] cost score {j in CASES} <profit[id,j]=col('profit_'||j)>;
See also this doc example.
Glad to help. By the way, because of the ChooseOne constraint, you can tighten the MinScore constraint as follows:
con MinScore {i in ITEMS}: score[i] >= 500 * sum {j in CASES} X[i,j];
In either case, the MILP presolver will force X[i,j] to 0 if score[i] < 500.
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