Check with your University IT, often you can get SAS either free or at a steeply discounted price, like $100 or something that you can install and use on your system.
For cloud options, you can use SAS onDemand for Academics, which does have OR. If you were using Viya before it may be quite different but it's definitely available online and you can run/teach classes through there if you register with SAS.
Sign up under the independent learner option for now and then again as a instructor when you want to do a course.
@aliguzel1 wrote:
Hey guys,
I love SAS and even more SAS/OR...
Is there a way for me to use SAS/OR as an academic permanently?
I don't think 14 days would be enough for me to learn SAS/OR...
I want to learn more SAS/OR to teach in my university (Kirikkale Univ.)...
The time limit is bothering me..
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Dr. Ali Guzel
here is my email: