Hi, I have a question to consult.
When I was using SAS Base 9.4 Optimization part,
the following error message shows
Min obj = sum {j in SUPPLIERS, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost[j,t]*repl_order_1[j,t]
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
Or the following error message shows when I try to run the whole optimization problem.
ERROR: A coefficient for symbol obj is missing or invalid.
The logic of my code is as below:
1. Proc optmodel;
2. Declare sets and numerators;
3. Objective function. Min ...
4. Constraints.
5. Solve with MILP;
6. quit;
And I am not sure how to debug the error.
Thank you so much!
If you are able to add a bit more of your code, folks may be able to help you more. It seems that a previous issue has confused the parser.
In the snippet you already posted, I notice a semicolon missing. If I add that semicolon and the other necessary declarations, I get a successful parse:
proc optmodel;
num major_cost{SUPPLIERS, TIME_PERIODS};
var repl_order_1{SUPPLIERS, TIME_PERIODS} >= 0;
Min obj = sum {j in SUPPLIERS, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost[j,t]*repl_order_1[j,t];
Thank you for the reply. Below is an integrated part, and I have the semicolon to the objective function.
Max Z = -sum {j in SUPPLIERS, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost[j,t]*repl_order_1[j,t]
- sum {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS} minor_cost[j,m]*(repl_raw1[j,m] + repl_raw2[j,m] + repl_raw3[j,m] + repl_raw4[j,m] + repl_raw5[j,m])
- sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS} (unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_1[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_2[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_3[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_4[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_5[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_1[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_2[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_3[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_4[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_1[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_2[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_3[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_4[m,q])
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, t in TIME_PERIODS} (minor_cost_1[p,t]*manu_order[p,t] + produce_cost[p,t]*pro_size[p,t])
- sum {k in STAGES2, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost_1[k,t]*repl_order_k[k,t]
- sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS, t in TIME_PERIODS} holding_1[m,t]*inv_raw[m,t]
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES} holding_2[p,k]*inv_pro[p,k]
- sum {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS} in_transit_1[j,m]*(raw_quantity_1[j,m] + raw_quantity_2[j,m] + raw_quantity_3[j,m]
+ raw_quantity_4[j,m] +raw_quantity_1[j,m])
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2} in_transit_2[p,k]*(rep_size_2[p,k] + rep_size_3[p,k] + rep_size_4[p,k] + rep_size_5[p,k])
- sum {r in TRUCKS, j in SUPPLIERS} truck_cost_1[r,j]*(truck_raw_1[r,j]+truck_raw_2[r,j]+truck_raw_3[r,j]+truck_raw_4[r,j]+truck_raw_5[r,j])
- sum {k in STAGES4, r in TRUCKS} truck_cost_2[k,r]*(truck_pro_2[k,r]+truck_pro_3[k,r]+truck_pro_4[k,r]+truck_pro_5[k,r])
With the error message in log:
ERROR: A coefficient for symbol Z is missing or invalid.
Is there any other way about it?
You can narrow down which coefficient is problematic by commenting out all but one sum, considering one sum at a time. Alternatively, please post your full code and data here.
Okay. Below are the codes. Sorry it is over 20kb and I can just copy and paste.
Title 'A Serial Supply Chain example';
/*Define Customer Demand*/
Data Demand1;
input product demand_1;
1 300
2 400
Data Demand2;
input product demand_2;
1 600
2 700
Data Demand3;
input product demand_3;
1 600
2 700
Data Demand4;
input product demand_4;
1 500
2 600
Data Demand5;
input product demand_5;
1 300
2 400
/*Define manufacture and inventory capacity*/
Data Capacity;
input product produce_cap stage1_cap stage2_cap stage3_cap stage4_cap;
1 2000 3000 12000 12000 12000
2 1200 3000 12000 12000 12000
3 800 3000 12000 12000 12000
4 800 3000 12000 12000 12000
5 2000 3000 12000 12000 12000
/*Define the transformation of raw materials into finished products*/
Data Bill_Ratio;
input product raw_1 raw_2;
1 2 3
2 3 2
/*Define fill-in rate of raw materials and final products into 1 container*/
Data Fill_Ratio1;
input raw_material amount;
1 1.2
2 1.5
Data Fill_Ratio2;
input final_product amount;
1 2.5
2 3.0
/*Description of raw material suppliers*/
Data Supplier_info;
input supplier lead_time m1_cap m2_cap quality_rate1 quality_rate2 major_cost minor1_cost minor2_cost;
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000
2 1 3500 3500 0.95 0.96 5000 7000 6000
3 1 4000 4000 0.95 0.95 3000 3500 3000
/*Define Inventory Holding Cost and Production Cost*/
Data Raw_inv_cost;
input time_period raw_material cost;
1 1 2
2 1 2
3 1 2
4 1 2
5 1 2
1 2 1
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 2 1
5 2 1
Data Product_inv_cost;
input time_period stage product cost;
1 2 1 7
1 2 2 9
1 3 1 8
1 3 2 11
1 4 1 9
1 4 2 12
2 2 1 7
2 2 2 9
2 3 1 8
2 3 2 11
2 4 1 9
2 4 2 12
Data Produce_cost;
input time_period product cost;
1 1 24
1 2 29
2 1 25
2 2 30
3 1 29
3 2 35
4 1 29
4 2 35
5 1 24
5 2 29
/*Define in-transit inventory holding cost*/
Data in_transit_cost1;
input supplier type cost;
1 1 2.0
1 2 1.0
2 1 2.2
2 2 0.9
3 1 1.8
3 2 1.1
Data in_transit_cost2;
input type stage cost;
1 2 7.5
1 3 8.5
2 2 9.5
2 3 11.5
/*Define truck capacity and cost information*/
Data truck_cap;
input type capacity;
1 50
2 55
3 65
Data truck_cost;
input type supplier stage cost;
1 1 0 3000
1 1 2 1000
1 1 3 5000
1 2 0 2800
1 2 2 1000
1 2 3 5000
1 3 0 3100
1 3 0 1000
1 3 0 5000
2 1 0 3500
2 1 2 1100
2 1 3 6000
2 2 0 3300
2 2 2 1100
2 2 3 6000
2 3 0 3200
2 3 2 1100
2 3 3 6000
3 1 0 4000
3 1 2 1200
3 1 3 7000
3 2 0 3800
3 2 2 1200
3 2 3 7000
3 3 0 3900
3 3 2 1200
3 3 3 7000
/*Define initial and ending inventory level*/
Data Inventory_info1;
input raw_material stage initial ending;
1 1 50 500
2 1 70 700
Data Inventory_info2;
input product stage initial ending;
1 2 450 200
1 3 900 300
1 4 1500 500
2 2 500 150
2 3 600 400
2 4 800 300
/*Define major and minor fixed cost at manufacture stage*/
Data Fixed_cost;
input stage product $ cost;
1 1 1500
1 2 1250
1 . 5000
2 . 4000
3 . 4000
4 . 4000
/*Define price interval for raw materials*/
Data price_interval1;
input supplier raw_material interval1 interval2 interval3;
1 1 9 9 9
1 2 7 7 7
Data price_interval2;
input supplier raw_material interval1 interval2 interval3;
2 1 10 9 8
2 2 8 7 6
Data price_interval3;
input supplier raw_material interval1 interval2 interval3;
3 1 11 10 9
3 2 9 7 5
Title 'A Serial Supply Chain example';
/*Define Customer Demand*/
/*Data Demand;*/
/* input product time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;*/
/* datalines;*/
/*1 300 600 600 500 300 */
/*2 400 700 700 600 400*/
/*Define manufacture and inventory capacity*/
Data Capacity;
input time_period produce_cap inv_cap1 inv_cap2 inv_cap3 inv_cap4;
1 2000 3000 12000 12000 12000
2 1200 3000 12000 12000 12000
3 800 3000 12000 12000 12000
4 800 3000 12000 12000 12000
5 2000 3000 12000 12000 12000
Data Capacity1;
input stage inv_capk;
2 12000
3 12000
4 12000
/*Define the transformation of raw materials into finished products*/
Data Bill_Ratio;
input raw_material product1 product2;
1 2 3
2 3 2
/*Define Production Rate*/
Data Pro_rate;
input product pro_rate;
1 4
2 3
/*Define fill-in rate of raw materials and final products into 1 container*/
Data Fill_Ratio1;
input raw_material fill1;
1 1.2
2 1.5
Data Fill_Ratio2;
input product fill2;
1 2.5
2 3.0
/*Description of raw material suppliers*/
Data Supplier_info;
input supplier lead_time raw_material1 raw_material2 perfect_rate1 perfect_rate2 major_cost minor1_cost minor2_cost time_period;
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000 1
2 1 3500 3500 0.95 0.96 5000 7000 6000 1
3 1 4000 4000 0.96 0.95 3000 3500 3000 1
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000 2
2 1 3500 3500 0.95 0.96 5000 7000 6000 2
3 1 4000 4000 0.96 0.95 3000 3500 3000 2
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000 3
2 1 3500 3500 0.95 0.96 5000 7000 6000 3
3 1 4000 4000 0.96 0.95 3000 3500 3000 3
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000 4
2 1 3500 3500 0.95 0.96 5000 7000 6000 4
3 1 4000 4000 0.96 0.95 3000 3500 3000 4
1 0 9000 9000 0.97 0.97 9000 10000 11000 5
/*Define minimum perfect rate*/
Data min_perfect;
input raw_material min_perfect;
1 0.96
2 0.955
/*Define Inventory Holding Cost and Production Cost*/
Data Raw_inv_cost;
input raw_material time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;
1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
/*The following does not consider time_periods, just repeat*/
Data Product_inv_cost;
input product stages2 stages3 stages4;
1 7 9 8
2 11 9 12
Data Produce_cost;
input product time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;
1 24 25 29 29 24
2 29 30 35 35 29
/*Define in-transit inventory holding cost*/
Data in_transit_cost1;
input supplier raw_material1 raw_material2;
1 2.0 1.5
2 2.2 1.4
3 1.8 1.6
Data in_transit_cost2;
input product stage2 stage3;
1 7.5 8.5
2 9.5 11.5
/*Define truck capacity and cost information*/
Data truck_cap;
input truck truck_cap;
1 50
2 55
3 65
Data truck_cost_1;
input supplier truck1 truck2 truck3;
1 3000 3500 4000
2 2800 3200 3800
3 3100 3300 3900
Data truck_cost_2;
input stage truck1 truck2 truck3;
2 1100 1000 1200
3 5500 5000 6000
/*Define initial and ending inventory level*/
Data Inventory_info1;
input raw_material stage initial ending;
1 1 50 500
2 1 70 700
Data Inventory_info2;
input product stage initial ending;
1 2 450 200
1 3 900 300
1 4 1500 500
2 2 500 150
2 3 600 400
2 4 800 300
/*Define major and minor fixed cost at manufacture stage*/
Data Minor_cost;
input supplier raw_material1 raw_material2;
1 5000 6000
2 4000 3000
3 3500 3000
/*Data Minor_cost2;*/
/* input raw_material time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;*/
/* datalines;*/
/*1 4000 4000 4000 4000 . */
/*2 3000 3000 3000 3000 .*/
/*Data Minor_cost3;*/
/* input raw_material time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;*/
/* datalines;*/
/*1 3500 3500 3500 3500 . */
/*2 3000 3000 3000 3000 .*/
Data Major_cost;
input supplier time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;
1 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
2 5000 5000 5000 5000 .
3 3000 3000 3000 3000 .
Data Major_cost_1;
input stage time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;
1 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
2 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
3 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
4 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Data Minor_cost_1;
input product time_period1 time_period2 time_period3 time_period4 time_period5;
1 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
2 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
/*Define price interval for raw materials*/
Data boundary_quantity;
input raw_material quantity1 quantity2 quantity3;
1 1000 2000 10000000
2 1000 2000 10000000
Data initial_1;
input raw_material initial_1;
1 50
2 70
Data ending_1;
input raw_material ending_1;
1 500
2 700
Data initial_2;
input product initial_2;
1 450
2 500
Data ending_2;
input product ending_2;
1 200
2 150
Data initial_3;
input product initial_3;
1 900
2 600
Data ending_3;
input product ending_3;
1 300
2 400
Data initial_4;
input product initial_4;
1 1500
2 800
Data ending_4;
input product ending_4;
1 500
2 300
Proc Optmodel;
/*Declare Index Sets*/
set SUPPLIERS_1 = {1};
set SUPPLIERS_2 = 1..3;
set SUPPLIERS_3 = 1..3;
set SUPPLIERS_4 = 1..3;
set SUPPLIERS_5 = 1..3;
set TIME_01 = 1..5;
set TIME_02 = 1..4;
set TIME_03 = 1..4;
set TIME_1 = 2..5;
set TIME_2 = 1..5;
set TIME_3 = 2..5;
set TIME_4 = 1..5;
set STAGES = 2..4;
set STAGES1 = 1..4;
set STAGES2 = 2..3;
set STAGES3;
set STAGES4;
set STAGES5;
set TRUCKS = 1..3;
set TRUCKS1;
set PRICE_INTERVALS = 1..3 ;
/*Declare Parameters*/
num M = 1000000;
num B = 1000000;
num fill1 {RAW_MATERIALS};
read data Fill_Ratio1 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material] fill1;
/*print fill1;*/
num fill2 {PRODUCTS};
read data Fill_Ratio2 into PRODUCTS = [product] fill2;
/*print fill2;*/
num bill_ratio {RAW_MATERIALS,PRODUCTS};
read data Bill_ratio into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{p in PRODUCTS} <bill_ratio[raw_material,p]=col("product"||p)>;
/*print bill_ratio;*/
/*The following does not consider time_periods*/
num supplier_cap {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS};
read data Supplier_info into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{m in RAW_MATERIALS} <supplier_cap[supplier,m]=col("raw_material"||m)>;
/*print supplier_cap;*/
num produce_cap {TIME_PERIODS};
read data Capacity into TIME_PERIODS = [time_period] produce_cap;
/*print produce_cap;*/
num produce_cap1 = 2000;
num produce_cap2 = 1200;
num produce_cap3 = 800;
num produce_cap4 = 800;
num produce_cap5 = 2000;
num inv_cap1 = 3000;
num inv_capk {STAGES5};
read data Capacity1 into STAGES5 = [stage] inv_capk;
print inv_capk;
num inv_cap {TIME_PERIODS, STAGES1};
read data Capacity into TIME_PERIODS = [time_period]
{k in STAGES1} <inv_cap[time_period,k]=col("inv_cap"||k)>;
/*print inv_cap;*/
num pro_rate {PRODUCTS};
read data Pro_rate into PRODUCTS=[product] pro_rate;
print pro_rate;
num perfect_rate {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS};
read data Supplier_info into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{m in RAW_MATERIALS} <perfect_rate[supplier,m]=col("perfect_rate"||m)>;
/*print perfect_rate;*/
num min_perfect {RAW_MATERIALS};
read data min_perfect into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material] min_perfect;
/*print min_perfect;*/
num demand_2 {PRODUCTS};
read data Demand2 into PRODUCTS = [product] demand_2;
/*print demand;*/
num demand_3 {PRODUCTS};
read data Demand3 into PRODUCTS = [product] demand_3;
/*print demand;*/
num demand_4 {PRODUCTS};
read data Demand4 into PRODUCTS = [product] demand_4;
/*print demand;*/
num demand_5 {PRODUCTS};
read data Demand5 into PRODUCTS = [product] demand_5;
/*print demand;*/
read data Raw_inv_cost into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{t in TIME_PERIODS} <holding_1[raw_material,t]=col("time_period"||t)>;
/*print holding_1;*/
num holding_2 {PRODUCTS, STAGES};
read data Product_inv_cost into PRODUCTS = [product]
{k in STAGES} <holding_2[product,k]=col("STAGES"||k)>;
/*print holding_2;*/
num in_transit_1 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS};
read data in_transit_cost1 into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{m in RAW_MATERIALS} <in_transit_1[supplier,m]=col("raw_material"||m)>;
/*print in_transit_1;*/
num in_transit_2 {PRODUCTS, STAGES2};
read data in_transit_cost2 into PRODUCTS = [product]
{k in STAGES2} <in_transit_2[product,k]=col("stage"||k)>;
print in_transit_2;
read data price_interval1 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} <unit_price1[raw_material,q]=col("interval"||q)>;
/*print unit_price1; */
read data price_interval2 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} <unit_price2[raw_material,q]=col("interval"||q)>;
/*print unit_price2; */
read data price_interval3 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} <unit_price3[raw_material,q]=col("interval"||q)>;
/*print unit_price3; */
num major_cost {SUPPLIERS, TIME_PERIODS};
read data major_cost into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{t in TIME_PERIODS} <major_cost[supplier,t]=col("time_period"||t)>;
/*print major_cost;*/
num minor_cost {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS};
read data Minor_cost into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{m in RAW_MATERIALS} <Minor_cost[supplier,m]=col("raw_material"||m)>;
/*print minor_cost;*/
num produce_cost {PRODUCTS, TIME_PERIODS};
read data produce_cost into PRODUCTS = [product]
{t in TIME_PERIODS} <produce_cost[product,t]=col("time_period"||t)>;
/*print produce_cost;*/
num Major_cost_1 {STAGES3, TIME_PERIODS};
read data Major_cost_1 into STAGES3 = [stage]
{t in TIME_PERIODS} <Major_cost_1[stage,t]=col("time_period"||t)>;
/*print Major_cost_1;*/
num Minor_cost_1 {PRODUCTS, TIME_PERIODS};
read data Minor_cost_1 into PRODUCTS = [product]
{t in TIME_PERIODS} <Minor_cost_1[product,t]=col("time_period"||t)>;
/*print Minor_cost_1;*/
num truck_cost_1 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS};
read data truck_cost_1 into SUPPLIERS = [supplier]
{r in TRUCKS} <truck_cost_1[supplier,r]=col("truck"||r)>;
/*print truck_cost_1;*/
num truck_cost_2 {STAGES4, TRUCKS};
read data truck_cost_2 into STAGES4 = [stage]
{r in TRUCKS} <truck_cost_2[stage,r]=col("truck"||r)>;
/*print truck_cost_2;*/
num truck_cap {TRUCKS1};
read data truck_cap into TRUCKS1 = [truck] truck_cap;
/*print truck_cap;*/
num boundary_quantity {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS};
read data boundary_quantity into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material]
{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} <boundary_quantity[raw_material,q]=col("quantity"||q)>;
print boundary_quantity;
num initial_1 {RAW_MATERIALS};
read data initial_1 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material] initial_1;
num ending_1 {RAW_MATERIALS};
read data ending_1 into RAW_MATERIALS = [raw_material] ending_1;
num initial_2 {PRODUCTS};
read data initial_2 into PRODUCTS = [product] initial_2;
num ending_2 {PRODUCTS};
read data ending_2 into PRODUCTS = [product] ending_2;
num initial_3 {PRODUCTS};
read data initial_3 into PRODUCTS = [product] initial_3;
num ending_3 {PRODUCTS};
read data ending_3 into PRODUCTS = [product] ending_3;
num initial_4 {PRODUCTS};
read data initial_4 into PRODUCTS = [product] initial_4;
num ending_4 {PRODUCTS};
read data ending_4 into PRODUCTS = [product] ending_4;
/*Declare the variable*/
var raw_quantity1_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0; /*For supplier 1, 0 time period*/
var raw_quantity1_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity1_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity1_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity1_5 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity2_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0; /*For supplier 2, 0 time period*/
var raw_quantity2_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity2_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity2_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity3_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0; /*For supplier 3, 0 time period*/
var raw_quantity3_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity3_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity3_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity_1 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS}>=0; /*Total quantity of raw materials*/
var raw_quantity_2 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity_3 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity_4 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var raw_quantity_5 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_raw {RAW_MATERIALS, TIME_PERIODS}>=0; /*Inventory for raw materials*/
var inv_raw1 {RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_raw2 {RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_raw3 {RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_raw4 {RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_raw5 {RAW_MATERIALS}>=0;
var inv_pro {PRODUCTS, STAGES}>=0; /*Inventory for final products*/
var inv_pro2 {PRODUCTS, STAGES}>=0;
var inv_pro3 {PRODUCTS, STAGES}>=0;
var inv_pro4 {PRODUCTS, STAGES}>=0;
var inv_pro5 {PRODUCTS, STAGES}>=0;
var inv_pro2_2 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro2_3 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro2_4 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro2_5 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro3_2 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro3_3 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro3_4 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro3_5 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro4_2 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro4_3 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro4_4 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var inv_pro4_5 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var pro_size {PRODUCTS, TIME_PERIODS}>=0; /*production size*/
var pro_size1 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var pro_size2 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var pro_size3 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var pro_size4 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var pro_size5 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_2 {PRODUCTS, STAGES2}>=0; /*Replenish order*/
var rep_size_22 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_23 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_24 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_3 {PRODUCTS, STAGES2}>=0;
var rep_size_32 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_33 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_34 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_4 {PRODUCTS, STAGES2}>=0;
var rep_size_42 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_43 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_44 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_5 {PRODUCTS, STAGES2}>=0;
var rep_size_52 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_53 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
var rep_size_54 {PRODUCTS}>=0;
/*The amount of trucks should be integer*/
var truck_raw_1 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_raw_2 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_raw_3 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_raw_4 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_raw_5 {SUPPLIERS, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_pro_2 {STAGES4, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_pro_3 {STAGES4, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_pro_4 {STAGES4, TRUCKS} integer;
var truck_pro_5 {STAGES4, TRUCKS} integer;
/*Below are binary variables*/
var repl_order_1 {SUPPLIERS, TIME_PERIODS} binary; /*Major for suppliers*/
var repl_order_11 {SUPPLIERS} binary;
var repl_order_12 {SUPPLIERS} binary;
var repl_order_13 {SUPPLIERS} binary;
var repl_order_14 {SUPPLIERS} binary;
var repl_order_15 {SUPPLIERS} binary;
var repl_raw1 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS} binary;/*Minor in suppliers*/
var repl_raw2 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS} binary;
var repl_raw3 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS} binary;
var repl_raw4 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS} binary;
var repl_raw5 {SUPPLIERS, RAW_MATERIALS} binary;
var repl_order_k {STAGES2, TIME_PERIODS} binary;/*Major cost in later stages*/
var repl_order_k2 {STAGES2} binary;
var repl_order_k3 {STAGES2} binary;
var repl_order_k4 {STAGES2} binary;
var repl_order_k5 {STAGES2} binary;
var manu_order {PRODUCTS, TIME_PERIODS} binary;/*Minor for final products*/
var repl_manu1 binary;/*For stage 1*/
var repl_manu2 binary;
var repl_manu3 binary;
var repl_manu4 binary;
var repl_manu5 binary;
var raw_order1_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order1_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order1_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order1_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order1_5 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order2_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order2_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order2_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order2_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order3_1 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order3_2 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order3_3 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
var raw_order3_4 {RAW_MATERIALS, PRICE_INTERVALS} binary;
By the way, I tried to comment out other sums, and leave only one at a time. But the same error message shows:
ERROR: A coefficient for symbol Z is missing or invalid.
Thank you!
/*Maximize the objective function*/
Max Z = -sum {j in SUPPLIERS, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost[j,t]*repl_order_1[j,t]
- sum {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS} minor_cost[j,m]*(repl_raw1[j,m] + repl_raw2[j,m] + repl_raw3[j,m] + repl_raw4[j,m] + repl_raw5[j,m])
- sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS} (unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_1[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_2[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_3[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_4[m,q]
+ unit_price1[m,q]*raw_quantity1_5[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_1[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_2[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_3[m,q]
+ unit_price2[m,q]*raw_quantity2_4[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_1[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_2[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_3[m,q]
+ unit_price3[m,q]*raw_quantity3_4[m,q])
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, t in TIME_PERIODS} (minor_cost_1[p,t]*manu_order[p,t] + produce_cost[p,t]*pro_size[p,t])
- sum {k in STAGES2, t in TIME_PERIODS} major_cost_1[k,t]*repl_order_k[k,t]
- sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS, t in TIME_PERIODS} holding_1[m,t]*inv_raw[m,t]
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES} holding_2[p,k]*inv_pro[p,k]
- sum {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS} in_transit_1[j,m]*(raw_quantity_1[j,m] + raw_quantity_2[j,m] + raw_quantity_3[j,m]
+ raw_quantity_4[j,m] +raw_quantity_1[j,m])
- sum {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2} in_transit_2[p,k]*(rep_size_2[p,k] + rep_size_3[p,k] + rep_size_4[p,k] + rep_size_5[p,k])
- sum {r in TRUCKS, j in SUPPLIERS} truck_cost_1[r,j]*(truck_raw_1[r,j]+truck_raw_2[r,j]+truck_raw_3[r,j]+truck_raw_4[r,j]+truck_raw_5[r,j])
- sum {k in STAGES4, r in TRUCKS} truck_cost_2[k,r]*(truck_pro_2[k,r]+truck_pro_3[k,r]+truck_pro_4[k,r]+truck_pro_5[k,r]);
/*Declare constraints*/
constraint inv_flow1 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS, p in PRODUCTS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_1[j,m] + initial_1
constraint inv_flow2 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS, p in PRODUCTS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_2[j,m] + inv_raw1
constraint inv_flow3 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS, p in PRODUCTS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_3[j,m] + inv_raw2
constraint inv_flow4 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS, p in PRODUCTS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_4[j,m] + inv_raw3
constraint inv_flow5 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS, p in PRODUCTS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_4[j,m] + inv_raw4
/* con raw_interval1 {q in PRICE_INTERVALS, j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:*/
/* sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_1[q,m]+raw_quantity2_1[q,m]+raw_quantity3_1[q,m] = sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_1[j,m];*/
/* con raw_interval2 {q in PRICE_INTERVALS, j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:*/
/* sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_2[q,m]+raw_quantity2_2[q,m]+raw_quantity3_2[q,m] = sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_2[j,m];*/
/* con raw_interval3 {q in PRICE_INTERVALS, j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:*/
/* sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_3[q,m]+raw_quantity2_3[q,m]+raw_quantity3_3[q,m] = sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_3[j,m];*/
/* con raw_interval4 {q in PRICE_INTERVALS, j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:*/
/* sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_4[q,m]+raw_quantity2_4[q,m]+raw_quantity3_4[q,m] = sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_4[j,m];*/
/* con raw_interval5 {q in PRICE_INTERVALS, j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:*/
/* sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_5[q,m] = sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_5[j,m];*/
constraint inv_stage2_2 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ initial_2
= inv_pro2_2
+ rep_size_22
constraint inv_stage2_3 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro2_2
= inv_pro2_3
+ rep_size_32
constraint inv_stage2_4 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro2_3
= inv_pro2_4
+ rep_size_42
constraint inv_stage2_5 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro2_4
= inv_pro2_5
+ rep_size_52
constraint inv_stage3_2 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ initial_3
= inv_pro3_2
+ rep_size_23
constraint inv_stage3_3 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro3_2
= inv_pro3_3
+ rep_size_33
constraint inv_stage3_4 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro3_3
= inv_pro3_4
+ rep_size_43
constraint inv_stage3_5 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro3_4
= inv_pro3_5
+ rep_size_53
constraint inv_stage4_2 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ initial_4
= demand_2
+ inv_pro4_2
constraint inv_stage4_3 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro4_2
= demand_3
+ inv_pro4_3
constraint inv_stage4_4 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro4_3
= demand_4
+ inv_pro4_4
constraint inv_stage4_5 {p in PRODUCTS}:
+ inv_pro4_4
= demand_5
+ inv_pro4_5
constraint perfect_rate1 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} perfect_rate[j,m]*raw_quantity_1[j,m] >= sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_1[j,m]*min_perfect
constraint perfect_rate2 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} perfect_rate[j,m]*raw_quantity_2[j,m] >= sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_2[j,m]*min_perfect
constraint perfect_rate3 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} perfect_rate[j,m]*raw_quantity_3[j,m] >= sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_3[j,m]*min_perfect
constraint perfect_rate4 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} perfect_rate[j,m]*raw_quantity_4[j,m] >= sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_4[j,m]*min_perfect
constraint perfect_rate5 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {j in SUPPLIERS} perfect_rate[j,m]*raw_quantity_5[j,m] >= sum {j in SUPPLIERS} raw_quantity_5[j,m]*min_perfect
constraint supplier_cap1 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
raw_quantity_1[j,m] <= supplier_cap[j,m]*repl_raw1[j,m];
constraint supplier_cap2 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
raw_quantity_2[j,m] <= supplier_cap[j,m]*repl_raw2[j,m];
constraint supplier_cap3 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
raw_quantity_3[j,m] <= supplier_cap[j,m]*repl_raw3[j,m];
constraint supplier_cap4 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
raw_quantity_4[j,m] <= supplier_cap[j,m]*repl_raw4[j,m];
constraint supplier_cap5 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
raw_quantity_5[j,m] <= supplier_cap[j,m]*repl_raw5[j,m];
constraint binary_minor1 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} repl_raw1[j,m]<= M * repl_order_11
constraint binary_minor2 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} repl_raw2[j,m]<= M * repl_order_12
constraint binary_minor3 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} repl_raw3[j,m]<= M * repl_order_13
constraint binary_minor4 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} repl_raw4[j,m]<= M * repl_order_14
constraint binary_minor5 {j in SUPPLIERS, m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} repl_raw5[j,m]<= M * repl_order_15
constraint binary_manu {p in PRODUCTS, t in TIME_PERIODS}:
pro_size[p,t] <= B * manu_order[p,t];
constraint produce_rate1 {p in PRODUCTS}:
<= produce_cap1*repl_manu1;
constraint produce_rate2 {p in PRODUCTS}:
<= produce_cap2*repl_manu2;
constraint produce_rate3 {p in PRODUCTS}:
<= produce_cap3*repl_manu3;
constraint produce_rate4 {p in PRODUCTS}:
<= produce_cap4*repl_manu4;
constraint produce_rate5 {p in PRODUCTS}:
<= produce_cap5*repl_manu5;
constraint repl_order2 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} rep_size_2[p,k] <= B*repl_order_k2
constraint repl_order3 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} rep_size_3[p,k] <= B*repl_order_k3
constraint repl_order4 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} rep_size_4[p,k] <= B*repl_order_k4
constraint repl_order5 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} rep_size_5[p,k] <= B*repl_order_k5
constraint raw_inv1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint raw_inv2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint raw_inv3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint raw_inv4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint raw_inv5 {m in RAW_MATERIALS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint pro_inv2 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*inv_pro2[p,k] <= inv_capk
constraint pro_inv3 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*inv_pro3[p,k] <= inv_capk
constraint pro_inv4 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*inv_pro4[p,k] <= inv_capk
constraint pro_inv5 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*inv_pro5[p,k] <= inv_capk
constraint truck_raw1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint truck_raw2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint truck_raw3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint truck_raw4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint truck_raw5 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {m in RAW_MATERIALS} fill1
constraint truck_pro2 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*rep_size_2[p,k] <= sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro3 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*rep_size_3[p,k] <= sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro4 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*rep_size_4[p,k] <= sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro5 {p in PRODUCTS, k in STAGES2, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {p in PRODUCTS} fill2
*rep_size_5[p,k] <= sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_raw_size1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_raw_size2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_raw_size3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_raw_size4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_raw_size5 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, j in SUPPLIERS, r in TRUCKS}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro_size2 {p in PRODUCTS, r in TRUCKS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro_size3 {p in PRODUCTS, r in TRUCKS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro_size4 {p in PRODUCTS, r in TRUCKS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint truck_pro_size5 {p in PRODUCTS, r in TRUCKS, k in STAGES2}:
sum {r in TRUCKS} truck_cap
constraint price_cons1_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_1[m,q] <= raw_order1_1[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons1_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_2[m,q] <= raw_order1_2[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons1_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_3[m,q] <= raw_order1_3[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons1_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_4[m,q] <= raw_order1_4[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons1_5 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity1_5[m,q] <= raw_order1_5[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons2_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity2_1[m,q] <= raw_order2_1[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons2_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity2_2[m,q] <= raw_order2_2[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons2_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity2_3[m,q] <= raw_order2_3[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons2_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity2_4[m,q] <= raw_order2_4[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons3_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity3_1[m,q] <= raw_order3_1[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons3_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity3_2[m,q] <= raw_order3_2[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons3_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity3_3[m,q] <= raw_order3_3[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint price_cons3_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum {q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_quantity3_4[m,q] <= raw_order3_4[m,q]*boundary_quantity[m,q];
constraint binary_price1_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order1_1[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price1_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order1_2[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price1_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order1_3[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price1_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order1_4[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price1_5 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order1_5[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price2_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order2_1[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price2_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order2_2[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price2_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order2_3[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price2_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order2_4[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price3_1 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order3_1[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price3_2 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order3_2[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price3_3 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order3_3[m,q] <= 1;
constraint binary_price3_4 {m in RAW_MATERIALS, q in PRICE_INTERVALS}:
sum{q in PRICE_INTERVALS} raw_order3_4[m,q] <= 1;
/*To solve the problem*/
solve with milp;
Your Major_cost data set has missing values, and these values are used in the first sum in Z.
By the way, in the future, it is probably better to attach a file (see the "Use advanced editor" button) rather than copy and paste.
Looking ahead to the inv_flow* constraints, I see that you have used j as both a constraint index and a summation index within the same constraint. This does not make sense and will cause errors.
Thank you so much! It is really helpful.
It works now! And I would take care about the code upload next time.
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